Stolen? Really?

The soldier continued to kneel in front of the Prince as he spoke the words that the King had passed. Judging by the silence around him and the screaming survival instincts inside his head, the soldier was sure that he would be beheaded before he could even finish his bow to move. 

Like most of the soldiers on Icicles, his heart lay with the Prince's cause even though he was bound by loyalty to the King and the Queen. At a time like this, when their galaxy was gearing up for war, he had been made the bearer of such horrendous news.

When Prince Ivruss finally sighed, the soldier was sure that this was the last sound he would ever hear.

"Please pass my message that I will wait for King Luceras to catch the culprit."

The soldier bowed his head and nodded, accepting his punishment. Only a few moments later, he realized that he had not been sentenced, and no guards were coming forward to catch him.