This story talks about how the two families put prejudice and criticism first, before the love of their children and what they feel and think.

The last names of these two important families are the Salinas family and the Castañedas family and how they let themselves be carried away by everyone, except for the love they feel for their children.

The Salinas family like the Castañedas family are the types of families who having a good social position and having an excellent job are a key to success.

The Salinas family like the Castañedas family are the types of families who think that homosexuals and transsexuals are the product of the Devil, and for this reason, they should not continue living.

The Salinas family like the Castañedas family are the types of families who think that having homosexual children is the worst humiliation and aberration for them and the Society.

Both the Salinas family and the Castañedas family are against homosexuals and lesbians.

The Salinas family like the Castañedas family are the types of families who think that they should exterminate all the people belonging to the LGTB Community, as Adolf Hitler exterminated the Jews at that time.

The Salinas family like the Castañedas family are the types of families who think that all the people belonging to the LGTB Community are not people; but, aberrations who are on Earth, to praise the Devil.

The Salinas family like the Castañedas family are the types of families who think that having a male child as the firstborn is everything in life and the most important thing.

Both families have always supported people who want to exterminate the LGTB Community or do everything to make them feel ashamed of being who they are.

The Salinas spouses have two children who are: Franco and Sebastian, and both are the pride of their family and friends.

The four of them live a life that anyone wishes to have, plus the prestige they have in High Society.

What nobody knows; far from it, he suspects that Franco is madly and deeply in love with Santiago Villarroel.

Both have a stable relationship of six years. The two met through Franco's best friend, Leonela.

Like the family of his best friend Franco, Leonela's family enjoys the same prestige because both families are close and are seen together everywhere.

What nobody knows; far from it, he suspects that Leonela is madly and deeply in love with Rosa Castañón.

Like Franco and Santiago who have a stable relationship of six years, the same happens with Leonela and Rosa and the two met through Franco.

They both knew about their sexual preferences since they were in school, and since then, they have kept it a secret.

The two have kept their sexual preferences a secret because if someone finds out the truth, they will tell their respective families at that moment who will take them to an expert to give them electroshocks.

They both knew perfectly well what happened to people who openly said their sexual preferences, and just remembering it, they panicked knowing that they could go through that.

There is also the fact that they both had friends who were gay and when they told their respective families, the first reaction they had was, curse them.

After that, they were told ad nauseam how much they abhor homosexuals, and finally, they took them to various specialists who gave them all kinds of electroshocks.

A week before they died, Franco and Leonela's friends approached them and said the following: "Please friends, never tell anyone about your sexual preferences, because we don't want them to end up like us. What we are now, is closer to ghosts than we were before "

After they were told that, they left, and a week later, they received the bitter news that they are dead.

When they heard the news, they did not know how to react, and the only thing they could do is cry inconsolably at the loss of their best friends.

Immediately, they remembered the words of their friends, by not telling anyone about their sexual preferences, and after what happened, Franco and Leonela decided to keep their sexual preferences hidden, and they have done so until now.

On the other hand, both did not tell their respective families about their sexual preferences, due to their reaction and what they would be able to do to them.

They also had the knowledge that, if they wanted to freely love their respective partners, they had to go to live in another country and forget that they had a family and that made their respective hearts shrink.

During these years, both Franco and Leonela have lived a double life.

On the one hand, both have appeared, in front of their respective relatives and friends that they are not homosexual and that they did not feel pain when their friends died.

On the other hand, they suffered too much at the loss of their friends and keep their gay relationship hidden, which is becoming stronger and harder to hide every day.

That gay relationship that makes them immensely happy is the real reason, why, they have stood firm and enduring everything and there is also the fact that Franco and Leonela, have always been together since all this began and their friendship relationship, has become stronger and stronger.

The four tried not to coincide in any event so that no one would notice how in love the four of them are and that this love grows day after day.

"When are we going to make our relationship public?" They asked after making love.

"I don't know, maybe one day. We don't know exactly the day we would make our news public but for now, we'll see each other secretly," they replied, after giving them a tender kiss on the mouth.

Franco's and Leonela's parents began to pressure their children, about marriage and children.

"Well, it's not for pressure, but when is the wedding?" asked Leonela's father, impatient to have a son-in-law and grandchildren.

The same thing happened with Franco and his parents, who kept asking the same question every time they saw each other.

And all those times that his family asked him that question, Franco, in a subtle way, changed the subject, so as not to hurt his family by telling them the truth.

The real reason for the insistence of Franco's family to see him married to Leonela is because his youngest son Sebastian, decided to be a priest; so they have put all their hopes in Franco.

Both families have always dreamed of seeing Franco and Leonela getting married and having a house full of children.

There is also the fact that both families have always gotten along well and have several businesses together, and are significant business shareholders.

"Dad, there is not going to be a wedding because we are not in love," Leonela replied, sincere and direct when noticing her father's insistence.

"I know, but I still don't give up hope that there are," he replied that, after drinking a glass of Shiraz wine.

The real reason why both families did not stop insisting on the marriage of both, is because there are rumors that they are gay, and just imagining it, both families felt disgusted and repulsed about it.

They could not conceive the idea that they are gay and decided to think that it is a joke in bad taste and for this reason, they decided to insist on the marriage.

From that moment, both Franco's parents and Leonela's parents did not stop insisting on the marriage and have made it more insistent, after learning that Sebastian, Franco's younger brother, decided to become a priest.

At the insistence of both families, Franco and Leonela had no choice but to meet with Santiago and Rosa, to tell them what was happening with their respective families.

The four had agreed to meet at Franco's house so that no one would bother them and thus, talk more calmly about what was bothering them.

"Santiago and Rosa, our parents are insisting that we get married and give them grandchildren," Franco told them, nervous and tense at Santiago's inquisitive gaze and response.

"What? I knew it! I knew that sooner or later, their parents would do their best to get them married and give them grandchildren. I told you so many times and you chose not to believe me. Now, what are they going to do? Are you going to get married to please your parents? "Santiago said all that, raising his voice more and more; until, he ended up screaming in anger.

"We do not know what to do, and that is why we are telling you this so that together we can find a solution to this problem," Franco replied, as he approached Santiago to calm him down.

"I agree with Santiago on everything, and we both warned you what would happen if you continued with the idea of ​​not saying anything to your parents," said Rosa, supporting Santiago in everything and being for the first time, in disagree with Leonela.

"Thank you, Rosa. I have several questions to ask, and they are: what are you going to do now? Are we going to continue this relationship in secret or will you dare to tell your respective families the truth?" Santiago asked, looking for Franco's gaze to see their reaction.

And Rosa was doing the same with Leonela because they wanted to know what the next step they should take is.

"For now, it is better not to say anything to anyone that we are couples until we see how things are evolving. On the other hand, we believe that it is not the right time, to tell the truth to our relatives," Franco ended, nervous about the penetrating gaze of Santiago.

"When is the time for you to tell the truth? How long do you intend to keep us hidden? What they make us think with all this is that they are ashamed of us, and that is why they tell us pure lies because they believe that we will continue to believe them "Santiago answered shouting because he was already fed up; like Rosa, to remain anonymous.

"We are not ashamed of you, but understand our situation," Leonela said, trying to calm both Santiago and Rosa.

"We are already fed up with your excuses. If you decide to get married, just to please your respective relatives, forgetting what we have; then, we have no choice but to end our relationship and forever," Rosa said, putting an ultimatum on Franco and Leonela.

"Do not do this to us please, do not see that we have no choice but to get married, to please our relatives; furthermore, we cannot say absolutely anything about our sexual preferences, because we are afraid of the reaction they may have in this regard", Leonela said, pleading for them not to leave them.

"You already know how we think; so, the final decision is in your hands: to marry or continue with us. You have the last word and the final decision," Rosa told them, being strong with the ultimatum for Leonela and Franco.

"Can't we negotiate this ultimatum? Please don't do this to us, we beg you. Understand us, we have no choice but to get married, we are cornered," Franco said, helping Leonela to understand and support them as they always have. done.

"No, you understand us. We can no longer deal with this situation. If you decide to marry, you will lose us forever, because", unlike you, our love for you is pure and we are capable of facing the world for this love but if you are not with us in this fight, there is no point in continuing with this, "said Rosa, fed up with having to hide her love for Leonela.

"The same goes for you, Franco. If you decide to go ahead with this stupid idea of ​​marrying each other, you lose me forever. I will go so far that you will never know anything about me", said Santiago, firm in his decision.

Both Rosa and Santiago were tired of having to hide the immense love they feel for Leonela and Franco.

At first, they agreed to keep their relationship hidden, when they met their relatives because they were raised differently and with the rejection of the LGTB Community.

Due to the upbringing that Franco's and Leonela's relatives had, they cannot accept anyone who goes against everything they have been taught.

And at this moment, it is Leonela and Franco who are suffering because they are in the middle of two completely different loves; on the one hand, there are their relatives, and on the other side, there are the great loves of their lives.

They couldn't take any more of the pressure they were feeling and began to cry. They could no longer bear the pressure they had and they wanted for an instant, to feel that they were free and that they could love whoever they wanted; although, that is a lie.

"With their indecision, they give us to understand that they are contemplating the idea of ​​getting married. We have nothing more to say. Goodbye," Santiago told them.

Santiago and Rosa left, ignoring Franco and Leonela's please to stay with them tonight.

The four felt a terrible pressure on their shoulders, and for the first time they realized the cruelty of destiny and that they are simply puppets of destiny. A destiny that insists on separating them.

Rosa and Santiago felt that they had already exhausted all the resources and that they could no longer deal with this situation; so, the two of them went directly to their respective houses and when they got there, they started to pack absolutely all of their things.

Once everything was ready, each of them decided to leave a note for both Franco and Leonela. In the letter, it said the following:

"When you see our cards, it means that we are far from you and that you will never see us again.

We can no longer continue with this situation that is making the four of us bitter. We don't want to be in a relationship where everyone matters except us.

We know that, for you, the family is the most important thing and that, we understand but, we cannot be in a relationship where we have to see each other secretly and in fear that someone might see us and tell their relatives.

We leave you, and good luck in your marriage and God bless your union "

Santiago and Rosa left their respective letters on the table in the living room and left.

Meanwhile, Franco and Leonela have been so busy these two weeks that they didn't have time to go to Santiago and Rosa's houses.

It was Friday night when they decided to visit them. When they arrived at their houses, they noticed that there was no music, the lights were not on, and that the lanterns were not on.

Without waiting for the door to be opened, they decided to enter. When they entered, they noticed that there was a letter on the table in the living room; then they took the letter and began to read it.

They couldn't believe what they were reading, they felt their hearts shrink, and at the same time, they felt their hearts bleed out while they were reading their letters.

They couldn't take it any longer and decided to drown in alcohol; so, the two of them went to the nearest bar, and while they were drinking, they decided to talk about the letters they had left them.

Neither of them could believe that Santiago and Rosa left without talking to them.

Franco and Leonela felt that their lives were no longer worth anything and that they no longer had the strength to fight for anyone or anything.

They drank non-stop until the next day and had decided to get married.

After four days that they had a strong hangover, they called their respective families and summoned them to Franco's house and there, without waiting any longer, they told them that they would get married and that the wedding would be in two weeks.

So it was. The two weeks passed, and they were married in the Church and were married by Franco's younger brother, Sebastian.

Franco and Leonela were married without love and the love of their respective partners.

While everyone was happy about the marriage, they were feeling that they were at a dead end and that they were drowning and that they had no lifesavers near them.

Two months have passed since they got married and they could not find meaning in the life they had because they weren't there to support them.

Franco and Leonela felt that they could no longer deal with that situation; far from it, with the lies and they decided to open up with Sebastian.

Sebastian couldn't believe what he was hearing. He did not know what to feel or think about it and the first thing he felt was anger at the lie they both held: that of marrying without being in love and loving other people of the same sex.

"What are you telling me? What did they get married without being in love? What are they gay?" Sebastian asked them, in an accusatory tone.

"That is our truth and we can no longer bear this weight that is killing us," Franco said, relieved after telling his brother the whole truth.

"But worst of all is that, in the middle of all this, we have lost the only people who we love and they have made us immensely happy," said Leonela, sad after remembering what happened.

"And what are they going to do now? Will they tell our families the truth or will they continue with this lie?" Sebastian asked them, calmer and in a peaceful tone.

"We have decided to tell the truth to our families and go in search of the loves of our lives," Leonela finally said, just as calm as Sebastian.

"Little brother, do you forgive us for not having told you the truth from the beginning? Do you support us or are you against us?" Franco asked, uneasy about his brother Sebastian's response.

"Of course I forgive you and I am with you. Good luck with our family," Sebastian told them.

"Thank you little brother for your support," Franco told him, hugging his brother.

"Sebastian, thank you for everything and your support," Leonela told him, as she approached him to hug him.

"And when will they tell our families the truth?" Sebastian asked, somewhat disturbed by the reaction of their relatives but, calm and happy because he supports his brother and Leonela in their entirety.

"We will tell you today because we know that we cannot continue with this lie any longer," Leonela replied, happy because she has decided that she will no longer hide that she is a lesbian and nervous about the possible response and reaction of her family.

"Are you really little brother that you are with us?" Franco asked him, very nervous and unsure of his brother's response.

"Little brother, if your fear is due to how our parents have raised us, don't worry, I don't think like them. I have nothing against the LGTB community and I will always support you little brother because, above all, we are brothers, best friends, and confidants and I don't want that to ever change, "Sebastian replied, in a sincere tone.

"Thank you little brother for your sincere words and your support. I know that I can always count on you," Franco told him, hugging his brother, crying with happiness for having the support of his brother.

"It's true. You can always count on me, no matter how strong or how important what you have to say to me, I will always be there for you, supporting you in everything, and it hurts me that you have not told me this before," Sebastian said, patting him his brother on the back in response to the support he's giving him.

Despite their parents raising them strictly and hating gays, they have always maintained a strong sibling relationship and for that reason, they have always managed to do some little mischief.

As they grew up, their sibling relationship was getting stronger and stronger, and they have never taken into account their age differences, to do everything together; including, going to parties.

There is also the fact that they have always admired and respected each other too much and that every achievement they had was cause for celebration for them.

Both Sebastian and Franco have always known that, regardless of the situation or the problem they had, they could always support each other and tell each other everything; so, that they can give themselves the best advice and find the best solution to the problem they had at that time.

"And, when do you plan to tell the truth to our respective relatives about this?" Sebastian asked, concerned because both Franco and Leonela had to confront their respective relatives; either, together or apart, and that this meeting was not going to do anything well.

"This very night but, before telling the truth to them, I felt that I had to talk to you first and that you listen to my truth and how things have happened," Franco told him, with a tone of absolute sincerity and honesty towards his brother.

For the first time in his life, Franco was willing, to tell the truth, and let everyone know that he is homosexual because he wanted to stop pretending to be something he is not.

And the same thing happened to Leonela. They both wanted to stop pretending something they will never be and also wanted their respective family members to love them as they are and not what they have been pretending to be.

"I am extremely proud of you little brother and for the first time in my life, I see that you are ready for everything, for the love of Santiago. I have to meet him because, thanks to him, you are ready and determined for everything," Sebastian told him, while he hugged his brother.

"I know you would have liked him, but he is no longer with me and I don't know where he is right now," Franco replied, sad after remembering Santiago's departure.

"And changing the subject a bit, I see that you too, Leonela, are determined to do everything and like what I told my brother that I want to meet Santiago, I also want to meet Rosa because, thanks to her, you are also ready for anything ", Sebastian told her, calm and at the same time happy because Franco had told him his most intimate secret.

"Thank you, Sebastian. The same thing happens to me with Rosa; but, I know that you three, Santiago, Rosa, and you, would have gotten along super well," Leonela told him, also sad.

Sebastian got up and asked Franco and Leonela the same. When the three of them were standing, Sebastian hugged them, and the two couldn't take it anymore and cry.

"Easy guys. I have faith that you are going to recover the loves of your lives and this time, it will be forever," Sebastian told them, just as sincere as Franco and Leonela.

Franco and Leonela left happy and calm, after talking with Sebastian, and they understood that you never have to pretend something that they are not because, sooner or later, the truth always comes out.

It was already dark when Franco and Leonela's relatives went to their house.

Their relatives were happy because they thought they would tell them that they were going to become grandparents but, after hearing the truth that they had hidden for so long, they were enraged with them and told them that they are no longer their children.

Franco and Leonela were sad after seeing their reaction and did not know what to do but before they reacted, their parents had already left the house.

The next day, the two go to court and in which, they request a divorce, explaining that they can no longer continue with this lie because they are both gay.

The people who were there at that time were surprised and after that, began to humiliate them, for their sexual preferences.

The two of them just left and told Sebastian what had happened. Sebastian asked the two of them to calm down and that he would help them with the divorce process and with their respective relatives.

"We will be eternally grateful if you help us with the divorce process but, concerning our respective relatives, you cannot do anything because they were clear with us and we want to respect their decisions," Franco replied, sad for the reaction of the people in the court and even sadder, by the reaction of his own family.

"Ok, I will help you with the divorce, and I will not talk with our respective relatives about it and what you should do at this time is, try to locate Santiago and Rosa and tell them the whole truth; so, that they forgive them and come back to be together and this time, forever, "Sebastian told the two.

"Thanks, little brother but, where would we find them? They left and without telling us where they would go," Franco replied, very sad about how things turned out.

"I don't know but, if they love them, there are no more obstacles to eliminating and they don't know where to start, I think it doesn't hurt. If they love them, there should be no impediments to finding them", Sebastian told them, motivating them to look for them.

"Thank you, little brother, for your sincere words, and again thanks for understanding and understanding us," Franco told them, sensitive to the conversation he had with his little brother.

After several years of hiding who he truly is, it is the first time that he can confide his secret to someone else who is not his best friend.

Franco was happy to have talked about this with his brother Sebastian and to count on him again because he no longer wanted to continue hiding and also wanted to be sincere, honest, and direct with everyone about his sexual preferences, wishing that they did not discriminate against him for being the way he is.

"Thank you, Sebastian, for supporting us and for understanding our reasons why we have not told anyone about our sexual preferences and why we had to hide behind something that we will never be," said Leonela, also sensitive to the conversation she had with Sebastian.

After this conversation, the three of them felt that they were more united than before and whatever happens, they knew that they could always count on them for everything.

"You don't have to thank me and if you had told me this from the beginning, we could find a more feasible solution to all this; instead of hiding and pretending something that will never be," Sebastian told them, sensitive to the conversation that he had with his brother and with Leonela.

"After talking to you about all this again, now we know exactly what we have to do," Franco and Leonela told them, more confident than before.

"I am glad to hear that, and I give you my sincere blessing for everything; especially, if it is about your happiness," Sebastian told them, motivating them to find the true happiness that is true love.

After hiring several private detectives, they managed to find Santiago Villaroel and Rosa Castañón.

They were in Paris - France, studying for a Post - Graduate degree, according to the careers they had chosen years ago.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't they be on their honeymoon?" Rosa asked, intrigued to see them together and that they managed to find them.

"We are here for you so that you can give us a new opportunity," replied Leonela, as she looked at Rosa, with pleading eyes, asking for forgiveness.

"We don't know why they want us to give them a new chance, if you set us free and got married, because of the fear of gossip," said Santiago Villarroel, furious at everything the four of them had to go through, only because of the fear of the reaction of Franco's and Leonela's family.

Franco and Leonela were ready for anything, to achieve forgiveness from Santiago and Rosa because they no longer wanted to continue living away from them.

"We want you to give us a new chance because we are madly in love with you," Franco replied, while he was approaching Santiago to kiss him.

"They will not easily achieve our forgiveness, they have to work hard because you hurt us a lot," Santiago told them, making an effort to get away from Franco.

"We know it, and we are going to do it; but, this time, we are going to do well because we want to be with you again, "said Franco, hugging Santiago, and he hugged her back.

"And this time, nothing and nobody is going to separate us again," said Leonela, hugging Rosa.

"I also think the same," said Franco, happy to be with Santiago.

"But this time, nothing to hide from us, and they have to talk to their respective families about it," said Santiago, as he took Franco's hand.

"We have already told the whole truth to them, and we are already divorced," Franco said, hugging Santiago.

"At last, no more lies, secrets, and nothing to hide," said Rosa, looking lovingly at Leonela.

"I agree with you Rosa," said Santiago, as he moved closer to Franco.

"And my brother Sebastian, he also knows the truth because he was the first to whom we told it," said Franco, while hugging Santiago tightly.

"And what was your reaction?" Santiago asked, nervous about what he was about to hear.

The reason why Santiago got like this is that, at last, Franco was encouraged to tell his brother the truth, not to continue hiding anymore, and to tell everyone that he is homosexual.

This is the first time that Santiago has seen Franco more secure than he was when they met.

He also felt that, for the first time since they met, Franco is ready for anything; provided, let him be happy with the man he loves.

Franco, for his part, felt he could do that and much more, for the love of Santiago; he is even capable of putting up with being humiliated and denied by his own family.

The same thing happened to Rosa with Leonela. This is the first time that Rosa has seen Leonela more confident in herself and managed to push away the fears that she had previously felt.

"My brother Sebastian supports us unconditionally in everything and it was he who helped us to have more security and confidence in ourselves and when facing our own family, telling them the whole truth," said Franco, in a tone sure of what he was saying and Santiago noticed that, for the first time in their lives, Franco felt free and happy.

"Are you supporting us unconditionally?" Santiago asked, nervous about everything he was hearing.

Santiago could not believe that their problems were finally being resolved and that this time, there will no longer be any obstacles that prevent the four of them from being together.

On the other hand, he wanted to believe that all of this is true because he no longer wanted to suffer more than he had suffered up to that moment.

"Yes, my brother supports us unconditionally in everything and has done everything possible to see us happy and for us to start looking for you," said Franco, as he looked at Santiago and he saw Franco's eyes shine.

"Did that tell you? And what else did he say to them? " Santiago asked, calmer and calmer, after hearing that the four of them had Sebastian's unconditional support.

"He encouraged us to fight for your love and that we should no longer keep hiding," Franco finally said, happy to be able to enjoy his relationship with Santiago.

"I want to meet your brother, he seems to be a wise man and we are happy that he has made you come to your senses," said Santiago, happy to hear all that.

"And he also wants to know them; especially, you, Santiago who, you are the owner of Franco's love", said Leonela, happy to be able to tell everyone that she is in love with Rosa.

"Really? Do you want to meet me? "Santiago asked, nervous because Sebastian wants to meet him personally.

"Yes, silly, my brother wants to meet you," Franco replied, looking at him tenderly.

"And what does your brother think of me?" Santiago asked him, intrigued and nervous at Franco's response.

"My brother thinks that you must be someone special for you to have managed to steal my heart," Franco replied, looking at him tenderly.

"Special? I? I am not at all special; I'm simply a man in love," Santiago told him, flattered by what Franco had told him.

And the same thing happens with you Rosa, Sebastian, Franco's younger brother, wants to meet you," Leonela told her, happy to personally give her the news.

"What? Really? Weren't you scandalized that the four of us are gay? " Rosa asked, nervous after hearing this from Leonela.

Sebastian would never be scandalized by this because, above all, he is Franco's best friend and brother and he will always be supporting him," Leonela told him, happy to know that they could count on Sebastián for everything.

After Rosa and Santiago thought it through, they decided to accept the meeting with Sebastián.

They were both afraid because that would be the first time that someone other than either of the four wanted to meet them as the respective partners of Franco and Leonela.

Although they both knew perfectly well that they had the upper hand, they agreed to meet Sebastian; though, they were scared to death.

The four returned to their native country, to face the world and defend the love that the four felt for each other.

Franco and Leonela prepared everything for the three of them to meet, and they did it according to the demands of Santiago and Rosa, it had to be a private place.

"Good morning Sebastian", Santiago and Rosa replied at the same time.

"Good morning Santiago and Rosa. Please sit down," Sebastian replied, indicating the two empty chairs.

"Thank you, Sebastian", Santiago and Rosa replied, while they were taking their seats.

"Franco and Leonela told us that they wanted to see us. Why? " Santiago asked in a nervous voice.

"Yes, I wanted to see them because I wanted to meet personally the people who stole the hearts of Franco and Leonela and have made them more sure of themselves," answered Sebastian, in a calm tone.

"We are flattered; but, we didn't do any of that. We fell in love, that's all," Santiago replied, his voice trembling.

"Yes they did, they just don't realize it," Sebastian replied, trying to reassure them.

Before they continued their conversation, the three of them ordered what they wanted for breakfast.

The waiter who served them was very kind to the three, and immediately, the three had their respective breakfasts.

All three were surprised to see that the attention of that restaurant is first class.

While they were enjoying breakfast, they continued the conversation they had previously had.

"Well, let's put that issue aside because we want to know what opinion you have of us," Santiago finished, trying to be strong on the outside, although on the inside, he was trembling.

"The opinion that I have of you is the best, never doubt that," Sebastian replied, trying to reassure them.

"Really?" Rosa asked, incredulous at Sebastian's words.

"I'm serious, I'm not lying. I like to say things looking people in the eye", Sebastian replied, trying to reassure them.

"Ok, we believe you and thank you for your sincerity, Sebastian," Santiago replied, after seeing the honesty in Santiago's eyes.

"Thank you, Santiago, I mean, thank you brother-in-law", answered Sebastian, happy that they are excellent people and deserve to be happy with Franco and Leonela.

"You're welcome," Santiago replied, turning red as a tomato.

"Before we go, I just want to say two things," Sebastian said, after being surprised to see Santiago turn red.

"What thing?" Rosa asked.

"Well, the first is that I will always support them and the second is that our respective families are not going to easily forgive Franco, and Leonela for their sexual preferences," Sebastian warned them of what could happen to Franco's relatives. and Leonela.

Sebastian said that to Santiago and Rosa, although deep down he knew perfectly well that both his relatives and Leonela's relatives would never forgive them.

Sebastian also knew perfectly well that, for both families, there is no worse humiliation than having gay children.

"Thank you Sebastian for supporting us, and what refers to the second point, both Santiago and I knew that their respective relatives would never accept us," Rosa told him, saddened by what she had just heard.

The three of them knew perfectly that, from that moment on, things were not going to be easy for the four of them; otherwise, they would be increasingly difficult and impossible to bear.

At the same time, they knew that this is the price to pay for being in love.

"It hurts me to be the delivery man of bad news but that's the truth," Sebastian finished, hurt, while he was saying this.

"Relax and don't worry about anything; Furthermore, we knew perfectly well that we would have your entire family and Leonela's against our love and we would also have against Society and its damages," Santiago ended, ready to do anything for Franco's love and the same it happened to Rosa with Leonela.

"In any case, I will help them as much as possible and if I can, I will do it for life," said Sebastian, determined to help the four of them continue as if nothing had happened.

"Thank you, Sebastian, you are like a kind of angel," Rosa concluded, happy to be able to count on Sebastian's support unconditionally.

"You're welcome, and I want you, from this moment on, to feel that you can count on me for everything, and it's serious," Sebastian finished while hugging Franco and Leonela.

The three said goodbye, and each one took his path, different from the other.

Santiago and Rosa got the best impression of Sebastian, and the same thing happened to Sebastian with Santiago and Rosa.

As soon as Santiago and Rosa, each of them, on their own, met Franco and Leonela, they told them about the conversation they had had with Sebastian and what they thought of him.

Franco and Leonela were happy from the beginning to the end of the conversation because Santiago and Rosa did not stop talking positively about him.

They both liked that but, more to Franco who was in the middle of his brother and his great love.

Franco was happier when he heard that they had the approval of his brother to be together and love each other freely but, he was saddened when he heard that their relatives may never again treat them as their respective relatives.

And the same thing happened to Leonela. Leonela was also upset because she couldn't believe how closed-minded their family members can become.

From then on, the five of them saw each other more often and became best friends.

No matter how much Franco and Leonela, tried to talk to their respective relatives, they could never forgive them for being gay, and they expelled them from the family, posing as dead.