"In a moralistic world full of prejudices like the one we are living in, it is not easy for anyone to tell their parents that they are homosexuals or lesbians, without taking them to a specialist to be electrocuted, to get it into their heads that being a lesbian or homosexual is nothing more than a disease, an aberration that is cured with electroshocks and that once "cured" they return to human beings "

"For some old-fashioned parents, having a homosexual son or a lesbian daughter means the worst of aberrations and the worst humiliation for them who do not accept that their son or daughter is different or that their sexual preferences are different from the others "

"In this world where having a male child is everything for parents, they do not tolerate that their child is homosexual or transvestite because it would be the end of them, as people and as human beings"

"There are people who hide that they are homosexuals and lesbians because they are afraid of rejection and humiliation from their family, friends and from a Society that is corrupted by other things"