The Wedding night - 3

"Freedom , Your Majesty.

I hope Your Majesty would give me permission to leave when I ask for it.

Also , if Lady Olivia plans anything that could harm my reputation and dignity as an Empress and a person , Your Majesty would choose to be impartial.

But I can promise on the honour of the Ducal House of Vanidestine that I would never engage in any activities that could damage the reputation of the Emperor and the Royal family."

"Permission to leave? What does the Empress mean by that?" , the Emperor raged as if his authority had been challenged.

Violet felt her body jolt at the sound of the Emperor's voice.

"Divorce , Your Majesty. You will allow us to divorce if I ever ask for it."

"Presumptuous! That's impossible!

There has never been a divorce between an Emperor and an Empress in the history of the Iretonia.

That's a disgrace to the Imperial family.

How dare you ask for such a thing!"

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, I believe having a mistress outside of this holy marriage bestowed by the previous Emperor is more disgraceful than a divorce between a couple who aren't meant to be.

But you are the Emperor and stand above everyone so no one can question your decisions."

" I may be just 15 years old , Your Majesty , but I have been trained enough to be well aware of the instability in the empire right now.

Your Majesty needs the support of the Ducal Houuse of Vanidestine as well as the Houses that support us.

For the sake of the empire and its people,

I will stay with you for as long as needed. However , I hope Your Majesty will allow me to leave when I am no longer needed.

The House of Vanidestine will always be loyal to the Emperor , Your Majesty.

Do not fret , Your Majesty , for I know my responsibilities as the Empress. I am not selfish enough to leave for the sake of my comfort when the stability of the empire depends on this marriage. I have compassion for the common people who will suffer the most."

Violet knew she was taking a huge risk by daring to ask for a divorce.

Such a thing was almost unheard of.

But Violet relied on the power and authority of her father to bargain with the Emperor.

Though the Duke could not interfere in the matters between the Emperor and the Empress , he had an outstanding reputation and support in the court.

Thus , Violet knew that no matter how angry or offended the Emperor was at her , the Emperor could not do anything to her family.

The worst he could do was ground her and not allow her to leave her room for a month or two.

Marcelo looked at the Empress who seemed nervous yet confident.

He was reluctant to let the Empress leave the Palace.

He did not have feelings of love for her.

But he saw wisdom beyond her age in the way she carried herself.

He knew that Olivia , his beloved woman, could never compare to the Empress in terms of confidence, poise or wisdom.

" I agree."

"Thank you , Your Majesty. But let's put it in paper and sign on it."

"Do you not trust the words of the Emperor? The Sun of the empire of Iretonia?"

" The Duke has always taught me to be careful while making deals , Your Majesty. I hope Your Majesty would be gracious enough to fulfill my request."

"Fine. Meet me at my office tomorrow. We shall finalise the deal. "

" Can I request for one more thing, Your Majesty? "


"Spend the night here."

"Empress! Did you not hear what....?"

" You've misunderstood , Your Majesty.

I have no intention of fulfilling any activities with you on bed. Do not get me wrong , Your Majesty." , Violet quickly replied to clarify the situation.

"....what do you mean then , Empress?"

" If Your Majesty leaves before morning , malicious rumours about our marriage will spread.

Rumours can be deathly , Your Majesty.

I do not wish for Your Majesty nor I to bear the brunt of such rumours. "

"Your Majesty may sleep on the bed.

I will take the couch.

Also , I'd like you to spend the night here once a month.

Do not misunderstand , Your Majesty.

I'm doing this only to stop unnecessary gossip.

I hope Your Majesty can be gracious enough to do so." , Violet bowed slightly as she requested the Emperor.

Violet was glad that the Emperor was at least willing to take her request into consideration.

Violet took a pillow and a light blanket and laid down on the couch.

It was uncomfortable as she had never slept on a couch before.

But she had to make do as this was the only way to make the Emperor stay in her room.

'What a hectic day it has been.

I cannot deny that my feelings were hurt by the Emperor's brutal honesty even though I already expected that he might have a mistress.

But, it's alright.

I'm alright.

I will be alright.'

"Goodnight , Empress."

"Goodnight , Your Majesty."