
Another 2 months passed by without a hitch.

Violet was thinking of letting her mother know the truth about her marriage.

She had invited her mother over a few times for an afternoon tea ,

but she never found the courage to tell the truth.

Her mother would always look gleeful when she visited her.

But Violet knew that she could no longer delay to tell the truth to her mother.

As she was writing a letter to her mother , Duchess Charlotte Celestina Vanidestine , there was a knock on her door .

"His Majesty, The Emperor Sun of the Empire is here."

"Let him in."

Violet was certainly puzzled as the Emperor would not visit her unless it was the night of agreement that was written in their contract.

"Tea , Your Majesty?"


"Lillian , serve the Assam Black tea."

Assam black tea is grown in the mountainous region of Assam.

It is known for its robust, malty, and sometimes astringent flavour.

These distinct features are typically attributed to the tea's unique production process.

"Why is Your Majesty here at this time of the day? Your supposed visit is to be in 3 days. At night."

"Can I not visit the Empress than otherwise stated?"

" It is highly unlikely that Your Majesty would visit me to enjoy afternoon tea together.

Your Majesty has never done it nor do I believe you would so in the future.

Hence , I was suspicious.

Am I wrong to have such suspicious thoughts , Your Majesty?"

Violet saw the unnatural look in the face of the Emperor.

'So something was up.

And it must be major considering that the Emperor is here.

And most likely it is regarding Lady Olivia.

But I haven't met her in these past two months.

She has been awfully quiet.'

"Empress , Lady Olivia is pregnant."


What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Violet was shaken.

Pregnant? Lady Olivia?

That was such a nightmare.

An absolute nightmare.

Though she knew that one day Lady Olivia would bear a child for the Emperor , she was not prepared for it to be so soon.

Violet desperately tried to calm her nerves. She couldn't lose her composure now.

"Lady Olivia is bearing a Royal child."

"How many months?

When is her due date , Your Majesty?"

"3 months.

So she'll give birth in another 6 months ,

I believe."

"And when did you find out about this pregnancy?"

" A month and half ago."

" And you thought to suddenly inform me of this news now?

I assume it's not with the best intentions for me , Your Majesty."


" Tell me. There's no need to hesitate."

'What else could possibly hurt more than the news of him being pregnant with his mistress?'

" Empress , to the public, you will be the one giving birth."

" That's ridiculous!

You want me to pose as a pregnant lady for her ? Your Mistress?

Are you sure you're sane?

Why would I willingly do this? "

" Because you won't a have a choice.

I heard that the heir of the House of Vanidestine is yet to be engaged.

How about we set up an engagement with Lady Amelia , daughter of Count Murphy?"

" You simply cannot do that , Your Majesty."

"But I can. I am the Emperor.

Who would dare to disobey the Royal decree?"

Violet was devastated.

Her brother Lu absolutely detested Lady Amelia.

She was obsessed with him and would hurt any lady who was close to him.

Even Violet was not spared.

Her father and Count Murphy were contradictory in their political views and the Countess had schemed several times against her mother.

Her family absolutely detested the Count's family.

The entire Empire was aware of the deep-rooted enmity between the two houses.

When Violet was 3 years old ,

Lady Amelia , who was 7 years old then ,

had forcibly pushed Violet into the cold , icy pond in the middle of the winter season.

Violet was in and out of consciousness for an entire week due to high fever and needed another month to fully recuperate .

That was the reason why Violet was still adverse to the cold weather till today.

The incident had deeply traumatised her family.

It was this incident that made the families to be forever irreconcilable.

So , how could she allow her family to be in-laws with such people?

And her brother to marry a woman he loathe more than the Devil himself?

Knowing his brother , Violet knew that he would choose to lead an unhappy marriage with Lady Amelia than to see her accept the terms of the Emperor.

However , how could Violet allow her brother to go through such a marriage?

She was already going through a difficult marriage.

She could not allow her brother to go through the same thing, or worse in his marriage.

Violet realised at this moment how powerless she truly was.

She couldn't protect herself nor her family.

Her title as the Empress was merely a title.

Just for show.

With no real powers associated with it.