Brother Lu, save me. (Daniel's POV)

Daniel heard the fake insouciance in her voice which seemed to hid a deep torment beneath it.

Everyone could see that there was something more than what Violet made it sound like.

Something unfathomable.

Even unforgivable , maybe .

But they knew when to stop.

Even Ethan .

" She's unbelievable! How could someone be so vicious ? " , Ethan remarked.

Ethan decided to talk about the woman again.

" Such a scheming woman. You should be careful. ", Sebastian advised Violet.

Daniel was glad to see that his friends liked Violet.

As a friend.

" She's always up to petty tricks over the years. I have lost count." , Violet replied.

Daniel felt his heart break a little at her words.

'How much has she suffered in this place?'

Daniel stared at Violet in silence and appreciated her beauty and resilience.

" Vi! " , Matthew's voice rang at a distance ,

" The kids are waiting for you. They're in your bedroom."

Daniel could see how close Violet was to her family after the few interactions he witnessed today.

" I had a wonderful time with all of you.

I apologise for exposing you to such an uncomfortable situation.

You may go back and enjoy the party. I shall see you tomorrow for the afternoon tea."

' You did not have to apologise. It wasn't your fault.'

" You're inviting only them? What about me , Vi?" , Mathew sulkily said.

Daniel felt amused at Matthew's words.

Daniel saw how Violet indulged her brothers , especially Matthew's antics.

Even when she lightly scolded him , everyone could see that she wasn't angry at all.

The light and laughter in her eyes were enchanting.

' A kiss . She gave them a kiss.

Will I ever get one?' , Daniel sighed dejectedly.

' How many times have I sighed tonight?' , Daniel thought to himself and sighed.

' Again . I did it again.'

Daniel nodded at Violet as she bade goodnight and he did the same.

" Same routine tonight?" , Matthew asked mysteriously as Violet turned around.

"Hmm." , Violet replied without turning back.

' What could it be?'

Daniel was curious.

It seemed Luis and Stefan was curious too.

" What is it , Matt?', Luis asked and Stefan looked at him for answers.

" Oh! So she did not tell you guys?" , Matthew laughed at his brothers.

Daniel saw how Matthew seemed to gloat over the fact that he knew something about Violet that even Luis and Stefan did not.

" It's our little secret." , Mathew said,

" So it seems our little Vi trusts and loves me the most. Only I know about her secret."

" I cannot believe Violet trusted you to keep a secret." , Stefan remarked.

" And I am a great job at hiding it."

" No, you're not. You just made everyone realise that there was a secret between you and Violet. Now your brothers are aware that there is a secret and it will not take time before they find out." , Ethan replied as he put his hands on Matthew's shoulders.

" He's right. Violet must have realised by now that Brother Lu and I are aware that something is going on between the both of you. Prepare yourself for her wrath", Stefan laughed as she saw Matthew's face change from his smug look to shock and disbelief as realisation hit him.

" Oh no! What have I done? Vi is going to kill me! Brother Lu, save me." , Matthew dramatically cried who shook off Ethan's hands.

He then turned towards Sebastian and said ,

" I can call you Sebastian right? My dear Sebseb , please take me to Asterin with you. I'm scared of Violet."

Daniel could see Sebastian's eyes twitched at the horrible nickname that Matthew gave him.

Daniel and everyone laughed at the scene.

Matthew was undeniably the life of the group.

He must be the one always cheering Violet up with his amusing behaviour.

" Shall we go for a round of drinks?", Ethan suggested.

" Sure ", Stefan replied.

Daniel bonded with Violet's brothers over a couple of drinks as he tried to leave the best impression that he could on them.

Daniel knew that he did not stand a chance at winning Violet's heart as she was married.

But that did not mean he would lose any chance to get to know her better.

Nor would he idly stand by as people tried to harm her.