Blended together in harmony

Violet went to the balcony after she put Nathan and Margaret to sleep .

Stars filled the clear boundless sky like the promise of life in the darkness.

Violet felt comforted watching the starry night.

Violet looked down as the wind blew in her face when she saw a familiar face staring at her.


Violet saw Daniel standing under a tree and staring at her.

He never failed to make her heart skip a beat.

" Violet."

" What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

" A walk. It helps me sleep.

I hope Your Majesty doesn't mind that I'm taking a walk in your gardens without prior permission."

" Hmm. Since it's General Castillo, I do not mind .", Violet said with a laugh.

Violet thought she saw a stunned look on Daniel's eyes which seemed to vanish almost immediately.

' A trick of the eye?'

"Can't sleep , Violet? Will you accompany for a walk?" , Daniel asked.

" Sure ."

Violet replied after a slight pause.

Violet felt excited yet nervous about going on a night walk with Daniel.

She draped a shawl over her shoulders and walked out of her room.

"Your Majesty?", Xander asked .

" I am going for a walk. You do not have to follow me . General Castillo will be accompanying me.

Rest , Xander. Let someone else shift with you."

" Yes , Your Majesty."

Violet walked into the garden to see Daniel standing under a camphor tree.

" Did you wait for a long time, Daniel?"

"No. Not at all. Shall we go?"


Violet and Daniel walked in silence as they passed through an array of blooming flowers.

"Do you know that flowers have meanings, Daniel?"

" I do . But I am not sure which flower is associated with which meaning. "

" I understand. I'm new to it too. I just read about it a few years ago since I was bored."

" What is the name of this flower?", Daniel asked.

"Amaryllis . It means 'worth beyond beauty'."

"And this one?"

"Freesia – innocence and thoughtfulness."

"And this?"

"Gladiolus – faithfulness and remembrance."

" Oh , what about that one?"

"Iris. These regal blooms stand for royalty, but also for wisdom and respect."

"What does violets symbolise?"

" Violets are most commonly associated with love. They also symbolise honesty , protection and dreams. Legend says that violets are born out of the adoration of the sky and the earth. Thus , it is also considered as a symbol of harmony and balance between heaven and earth."

" Love ." , Daniel whispered.

" Hmm?"

" The name Violet suits you. " , Daniel replied.

" Thank you. Do you have a favourite flower?" , Violet asked.

" Violets. Violets are my favourite."

" What? How? You did not even know it's meaning before I explained!" , Violet asked.

" You've explained. I know the meaning now . And it has become my favourite.", Daniel replied cheekily.

Violet felt her cheeks flush at Daniel's words .

' Is he implying that he likes it because it is associated with my name?'

" Ah."

That was all that came out of Violet's mouth.

Violet felt flustered that she couldn't come up with a proper answer.

" What about you , Violet? What is your favourite flower?"

"Daisies. All species of daisies.

And wildflowers." , Violet replied with a sweet smile.

" And what does a daisy signify?"

"True love – because each daisy flower is really two flowers blended together in harmony.

But the reason I like daisies is because they give a message of hope and new beginnings.

A chance to start over. "

" But I wish to be free like a wildflower. To bloom even in adversity. " , Violet continued.

" You are like a wildflower , Violet. You have a heart of a wildflower.

Strong enough to rise again after being trampled on. Tough enough to weather the weariest storms." , Daniel replied.

" And how do you know that? We have known each other for less than a week." , Violet remarked.

" I know it because it's true. It's in your eyes.

In your smile. In your laughter.

In the way you carry yourself. I see strength. Courage. Resilience. Purity. Joy. Gratitude."

" Thank you , Daniel ", Violet replied ,

" Really. That means a lot."

" Violet , shall we get to know each other better?"

" What do you mean?" , Violet asked with a bit of expectation in her voice.

" Friends. I want us to friends. " , Daniel replied quickly.

'Of course, it's friends. What was I expecting?'

" Oh . But we are friends already.

Or did General Castillo not consider me as a friend yet?" , Violet asked with a teasing smile.

Violet was slightly disappointed with Daniel's reply.

' Friends , he said . Aren't we already considered friends? What was I expecting anyway?'

"Yes , we are. I was just worried that I was not considered a friend yet by Her Majesty the Empress herself", Daniel joked to which Violet laughed heartily.

" Well, I understand. It is a great honour and privilege to be a friend of the Empress of Iretonia ."

" Indeed it is ."

" But this is bad."

"Why?" , Daniel asked with slight concern.

" Because I just made another male friend." , Violet replied with a pout.

" Is there any problem with that?" , Daniel asked with a confused face.

" I don't have any female friends", Violet replied while stressing on the word 'female'.

"Why? How come you do not have any female friends?" , Daniel asked.

" Because of my over protective brothers and father. When I was a kid , they never allowed me to play with boys. They would ask me to play with girls only. Maybe the rebellious nature in me was provoked. Or that I was simply bad at making female friends. I ended up not making any female friends at all." , Violet laughed.

" Your brothers must have felt bad that you couldn't have friends because of them."

" They do. But I don't mind at all. I enjoyed following my mother and learning about medicine. I learned about administration from my father. And I prefer to read books and stay indoors than to meet people."

" What about later? Did you not try to make friends? Even after entering the Palace?"

" I did. Or at least I tried. I would invite the noble ladies for tea every other month.

But I would get bored of always talking about inconsequential matters.

And later, most of them would either look at me with eyes of pity or jealousy.

And I hated that."

" I understand . I am sure you will make great female friends in the future."

" We will see. But aren't we discussing too much about my life? What about you , Daniel?"

" What about me?" , Daniel asked back.

" Who are you?"

" I am Daniel August Castillo ,

General of the Imperial Army of the Empire of Asterin."

" Wow. I did not know that." , Violet replied sarcastically.