In the middle of the night ( Daniel's POV)

Daniel was sitting on his bed thinking about the events of the day and Violet.

Violet always seemed to creep into his mind these days.

A smile crept onto Daniel's face as he thought of the few times they had interacted.

He had a sudden urge to see her so he dressed up casually and left for the Empress' Palace.

Only when he reached the Empress' Palace did he realised how reckless his decision was.

' What am I doing in the middle of the night?'

He stood under the tree in the starry night sky with the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves.

Daniel did not really expect to meet Violet.

He just simply wanted to be as close to her as he could .

The bedroom light was dimly lit.

' Maybe she has gone to bed.

I'll stay for a bit longer since I'm already here .'

Daniel was simply staring towards Violet's room when the door to the balcony opened and Daniel saw Violet walking out.

She looked alluring in her casual dress as she gazed at the night sky.

Daniel was wondering if he should hide or greet her when their eyes locked at each other.

Daniel wasn't prepared for the eye contact.

Time seemed to have momentarily stopped for Daniel.

" Daniel?"

Violet's voice broke him out of his reverie.

" Violet."

That was all he could voice out.

' What should I say? It's awkward to be caught gazing at someone's bedroom at night.

What if she thinks I'm a creep?'

" What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

" A walk. It helps me sleep.

I hope Your Majesty doesn't mind that I'm taking a walk in your gardens without prior permission."

' A walk. That's the best excuse I got.'

Daniel internally berated himself.

He was usually composed but when it came to Violet , somehow he always get flustered.

It was just that he was good at masking his emotions that his awkwardness was hardly noticeable.

" Hmm. Since it's General Castillo, I do not mind."

Daniel was slightly stunned for a moment at her reply.

He knew that she might have been merely being polite because he was an important guest , but somehow her words made him wonder if he was maybe a little bit important to her.

"Can't sleep , Violet?

Will you accompany for a walk?"

Daniel invited Violet for a walk .

It was an impulsive decision.

But he did not regret it.

As long as Violet was willing .

Daniel waited for Violet under the tree.

" Did you wait for a long time, Daniel?"

"No. Not at all. Shall we go?"

' I could wait a lifetime for you.'

Daniel did not know that he could get this corny.

Never in his lifetime did he imagine that he would think such thoughts.


Daniel and Violet walked in silence as the fragrance of different flowers wafted into their nose as they passed by.

"Do you know that flowers have meanings, Daniel?"

Daniel did not know much about flowers and their meanings.

But he knew about how his father ordered the servants to plant purple and magenta lilacs with red roses in their mansion to portray his love for his mother , the Duchess.

They represented love and passion.

" I do . But I am not sure which flower is associated with which meaning. "

Daniel listened to Violet speaking about different flowers and their meanings.

He never knew that there would come a day when he would find such a conversation interesting.

"What does violets symbolise?"

Daniel was honestly interested to know what the flower Violet meant.

Because it was her name.

" Violets are most commonly associated with love.

They also symbolise honesty , protection and dreams. Legend says that violets are born out of the adoration of the sky and the earth.

Thus , it is also considered as a symbol of harmony and balance between heaven and earth."

" Love ." , Daniel whispered.

It was fascinating how her name suited her so much.

" Hmm?"

" The name Violet suits you. " , Daniel replied.

' It truly does.'

" Thank you. Do you have a favourite flower?"

" Violets. Violets are my favourite."

He never had a favourite flower before.

But since Violet was her name and violets symbolised who she was , Daniel decided then and there that they would be his favourite flower.

" What? How? You did not even know its meaning before I explained!" , Violet asked.

' Because it's you.

Because it's your name.'

Daniel wished he could freely tell her why and how he felt.

But there was a barrier which made it impossible for him to truly pursue her .

Daniel had already decided that he would love her and protect her from afar.

" You've explained.

I know the meaning now .

And it has become my favourite.",

Daniel replied cheekily.

" What about you , Violet? What is your favourite flower?"

Daniel wanted to know more about her.

Her likes.

Her dreams.

Her fears.

Her favourite colours.

To her darkest nightmares.

The more he knew about her , the more he wanted to know even more.

"Daisies. All species of daisies.

And wildflowers." , Violet replied with a sweet smile.

" And what does a daisy signify?"

"True love – because each daisy flower is really two flowers blended together in harmony.

But the reason I like daisies is because they give a message of hope and new beginnings.

A chance to start over. "

' A chance to start over?'

Daniel wondered if she meant leaving her marriage and starting her life over.

He wanted to ask but dare not intrude too much.

" But I wish to be free like a wildflower.

To bloom even in adversity. " , Violet continued.

" You are like a wildflower , Violet.

You have a heart of a wildflower.

Strong enough to rise again after being trampled on. Tough enough to weather the weariest storms." , Daniel replied.

Daniel admired the way Violet had taken in all the humiliation and disrespect in her marriage the past five years.

She wasn't just the daughter or wife of a nameless noble.

Her father was a Duke and she was the Empress of Iretonia.

Yet , since the tender age of fifteen , she had been subjected to such unfair and dirty treatment that Daniel could not fathom how a sheltered girl could possess so much strength and courage.

" And how do you know that? We have known each other for less than a week."

' True. But time isn't an appropriate measure of love ' , Daniel thought to himself.

" I know it because it's true. It's in your eyes.

In your smile. In your laughter.

In the way you carry yourself. I see strength. Courage. Resilience. Purity. Joy. Gratitude."

" Thank you , Daniel .

Really. That means a lot."

" Violet , shall we get to know each other better?"

Daniel asked Violet nervously.

" What do you mean?"

Daniel noticed that there was a quiver in Violet' s voice.

' Is she nervous?'

" Friends. I want us to friends. " ,

Daniel replied quickly.

Daniel wanted to be more than friends.

But that was not possible right now.

This was the best he could do.

" Oh . But we are friends already.

Or did General Castillo not consider me as a friend yet?"

Daniel smiled at Violet's reply.

They continued to talk but the conversation was mostly about Violet.

Daniel enjoyed it as he got to know more about her.

" We will see. But aren't we discussing too much about my life? What about you , Daniel?"

" What about me?" , Daniel asked back.

Daniel didn't know if there was anything interesting in his life to share with her.

" Who are you?"

" I am Daniel August Castillo ,

General of the Imperial Army of the Empire of Asterin."

" Wow. I did not know that."

Daniel chuckled as he heard the sarcasm in Violet's voice.

He was not offended at all.

In fact , he was happy that Violet was comfortable enough to tease and make fun of him.