She would love me too , right? ( Nathan's POV)

"Has Nathan eaten anything , Daniel?"

Nathan closed his eyes and turned away from the door pretending to be asleep as soon as he heard Violet's voice.

" No. He hasn't. He fell asleep as he was crying. I have asked the kitchen to keep a light meal ready so that Nathan can have it anytime he wakes up."

" He must have been very exhausted. "

Nathan could hear the exhaustion and pain in Violet's voice as she spoke.

" He was shocked and disappointed."

" I would have hidden the truth all my life if only I could.

I did not expect him to overhear the conversation I had with the Emperor. It's my fault that he got hurt."

Nathan felt Violet sitting at the edge of the bed and gently caressing his hair as she spoke.

He continued to close his eyes and listened to the conversation between Daniel and Violet.

" It wasn't your fault, Violet."

" Hmm. Are you not going to ask me any questions , Daniel?"

" I will wait for you tell me when you're ready."

" Thank you, Daniel. You must have been shocked too. I will explain everything later."

" I will always be here , Violet. You can come to me anytime."

" Daniel?"

" Yes?"

" Do..Do you think Nathan will hate me?

For lying to him all this time? For keeping him away from his birth mother?"

' Hate you? How could I hate you? I.. I'm more afraid that you'd abandon me.'

Nathan thought as tears rolled down his eyes. He had to keep his face covered by the pillow so that they would not notice that he was actually awake.

" Violet. Nathan loves you.

And I am sure he will understand one day why you had to do such a thing.

I know for a fact that you are not someone who would take someone's child for your own selfish desires.

Nathan knows it too.

He just needs time to process everything.

He is still a kid."

" You're right, Daniel. I was just afraid. "

" Things will work out. Trust in the love and bond that you've built with him over the years."

Nathan felt warm as Violet continued to gently stroke his hair.

She was always warm and gentle.

The sweetest person in the whole wide world.

She always shone bright like the sun in the sky .

" Nathan darling, I'm sorry that I had to come see you while you were sleeping.

I was afraid you wouldn't want to see me yet. Mommy loves you , darling.

I will always love you and choose you to be my son.

I hope you'll forgive mommy for lying to you. Whenever you're ready to speak , you can come find me. Or I'll come to you.

Mommy will always be here waiting for you."

Nathan wanted to stop Violet from leaving when he felt the warmth of her touch leaving him as she got up from the bed.

Nathan remembered that he was extremely rude and spoke hurtful words to her before.

He did not have enough courage to look at her in the eyes yet.

" Did you hear that , Nathan? Your mommy loves you and will be waiting for you. Whenever you're ready."

Nathan heard Daniel speak as if he was sure that he was listening to the conversation.

" Goodnight , darling."

Nathan felt like crying and jumping into Violet's arms as she adjusted his blanket and bade him goodnight.

Nathan was lying on his bed when he heard a knock at the door.

" I'm coming in , Nathan."

" Uncle Daniel?"

" I've brought your meal with me. Have a bit before going back to sleep."

" I am not hungry."

" But you have to eat. To grow and be strong. Mommy will worry if you don't eat."

Nathan finally relented when he heard Daniel's words.

" Uncle Daniel, is it really alright for me to sleep on your bed?"

" Yes , Nathan. There is no problem at all."

" Thank you Uncle Daniel. Goodnight."

" Goodnight, Nathan."

Nathan smiled as Daniel ruffled his hair and made him lie down.

' I wish I had a father like Uncle Daniel.'

The next morning .

Nathan was sitting on the couch in Daniel's room when Margaret came to visit him.

" Brother Nathan!"

Margaret jumped into Nathan's arms .

" What are you doing here , Margie?"

Nathan wasn't really in the mood to speak to anyone but he couldn't send her away.

" To visit Brother Nat. I heard the announcement."

Nathan grew quiet as Margaret spoke about the announcement that Emperor made this morning.

Now the entire Empire knew that his birth mother was not the Empress.

" Yeah."

Nathan quietly muttered for he found no strength to continue the conversation.

" Why is Brother Nat sad?"

" Because ..."

" Because Lady Olivia is your birth mother?"

Nathan looked at Margaret who looked confused about why he was sad .

" Yes. "

" But why? Mom is still your mommy. Nothing changes."

" No, you're wrong. Everything changes."

Nathan argued .

Of course , everything is different now.

He was the son of that woman .

" I don't understand. Your mommy is still your mommy."

" Mo..She doesn't like Lady Olivia and the Emperor. How can she like me?"

Nathan found it hard to address her as he used to .

He was afraid . Truly afraid that he wouldn't be allowed to call her that way anymore.

" Mom loves me . Because I am me.

And she loves you. Because you are you.

Mom will always love you, Brother Nat.

Our mom is very kind and amazing."

Nathan was in deep contemplation at Margaret's words.

Margaret was right.

She loved Margaret even though she was Lady Olivia's daughter.

And he was Lady Olivia's son.

' She would love me too, right? ... Right?'

" Margie , I ..I want to meet mommy. "