Hex & Hound

"I should just stuff that noisy puppy yapper of yours..." "Woof, woof!" That day, the young maiden gave her loyal dog something precious...

The last ray of light was fading, and darkness was about to engulf the forest. "It's time to switch, my dear elder sister."

Suddenly, Magdalene put down Dietrich, whom she had been holding in her arms. "One last thing, elder sister-I have a present for you. I hope you like it."

With this, light slowly began to shine from her fingers, gradually forming a dazzling ball of light. This was Magdalene's light magic.

"Alright, from now on, you have to be well behaved. Shh, don't say anything."

"What? Why are you being so mysterious... Ugh." Before Dietrich could react, he had quietly muttered something, but his speech was interrupted when he suddenly found a slender hand tightly covering his mouth.

A moment later, the girl — now transformed — hastily stuffed something into his mouth. "What's this..."

It was the hilt of Dietrich's sword.

The sword that once proudly hung from his belt.


Dietrich opened his mouth instinctively to say something.

"Bite down on it if you want to live." Nottfriga raised one hand into the air, and Dietrich felt unable to breathe as the collar around his neck grew tighter and tighter. Powerless to resist, it was all he could do to bite down as instructed.

"Listen carefully. In a moment, you will need to defend yourself with this sword. Even though you're an ignorant and useless spoiled brat, it would still be a lot of trouble for me if you died here." Nottfriga raised Dietrich's head and spoke in a low voice. "After all, I haven't finished teaching you a lesson yet. It would ruin my fun if you died too easily." The witch of the night finished speaking, and retracted her hand to adjust her garments. The collar loosened again, returning to normal tightness. At once, air rushed passed his teeth and in through his nostrils, filling up his lungs again. Dietrich still did not dare relax his jaw's grip on the sword, however, so he had to make do with somewhat impaired breathing.

Before long, the sound of commotion was heard in the distance...