Princess Mina of the Fallen Nation

( A/N : one of my personal favorite books in the entire game !. Also all the previous chapters were written by me in the pass couple weeks . From this chapter I need to write the chapters down , so updates might lag quite a bit . other than that my other novel is [ which if you read , which if you don't you really should ] paused at time because Motivation has gone down the drain . but do not fear ! I have indeed kept a couple chapters ready which I hope to post a batch )


The princess who was prophesied to bring destruction witnesses the imminent fall of her nation, and it is at this moment when a wandering warrior descends from the skies, ignorant of the truth.

The pair's journey amidst the fires of an ancient warring period are about to begin!


Thirteen years of peace were had before the era of warring states began.

The nations of the north, furthest from the epicenter, at last became infected by the spirit of the age, hurling themselves into the flames of war.

As it is with most wars, a loser would be decided after a fierce conflict. Their cities were cast down into flaming rubble, and their nobles and their supporters fled into the mountains.

Such a backdrop is hardly anything special.

But into that inflection point of an era strode a wandering samurai dressed in luxurious robes.

No, rather than "luxurious," perhaps it was more accurate to say that these robes were...

Yes, that's right. It was a man dressed as a woman.

In contrast, this samurai was accompanied by a petite girl wearing a haori that was large to the point of incredulity.

In any case, they were a suspicious pair for sure.

However, the two of them sauntered up to the checkpoint at the foot of the mountains as if unaware of this fact.

Of course, they were immediately stopped by the ashigaru guarding the checkpoint.

"Who are you?"

This was a standard thing to say, but it was also an honest question in this case.

"As you can see, we're just ordinary passers-by."

It was a reply with no powers of persuasion.

But the ashigaru who asked almost seemed to hesitate at the sheer lack of doubt in the samurai's tone.

"Well, uh, could I ask you to come with me anyway?"

"Ah. That didn't work, huh.."

The samurai almost seemed disappointed. Suddenly, three ashigaru fell to the ground.

"You planned to do this all along, didn't you? You horrible knave."

The girl grumbled softly from the rear.