Scroll, Pocket Watch, and Rag Doll

Distressing silence had floated inside the chamber. Guardian Aika kept the menacing glare at her kneeling disciple. After what felt like an eternity of upsetting contemplation, the guardian let out a deep breath and crossed her arms over her chest.

"The only quick remedy for him is a potion," she returned to her table and sat gracefully at the elegant chair. "My storage can provide some of the ingredients but I need three more items."

"Aries only has two hours," Gust straightened his back and looked up at his master.

"The more reason for you to hurry," Guardian Aika flashed an annoying smile. "I will give you all the things that you will need in retrieving those items."

"This better be not because you want to acquire rare ingredients," Gust was staring at his master with distrust.

Guardian Aika laughed then glared at her disciple, "Of course, this is a rare chance to make you gather precious items for me. I should make this a worthy trip."