"Yes. They are precious vessels," a woman that was probably in her early twenties stepped out from the shadow of an enormous tree. Five of the dolls stood right next to her as if guarding her.
"I should thank you," the woman's dark brown eyes glowed more ominously. "I will take care of them and the souls that you trapped within them."
"You will never own my creations!" Cari was getting more frustrated. She raised her hands and was probably preparing to cast powerful spells.
"I already owned them the moment you canceled your spell over them." Anger sparked in the ominous eyes of the woman. "You are certainly going to throw them away. I'm just picking them up."
"I will not let you use my creations against me!" Cari touched her palms against each other for a second or two and when she pulled her palms away from one another, a white tome had formed in between them and floated in the air.