Chapter 25 Am I a Dark Horse?

With that in mind, Roger pulled out his phone to locate the nearest automated Internet Café.

"The nearest one is about 5 minutes away from me. Oh thank the heavens, that it is so close. I should really start exercising, I get out of breath too easily."


When Roger entered the café he was greet by an automated virtual personal.

"Welcome, How long would you like to book a stay for?"

After thinking about it for a moment, he thought to himself there is no way they would still be there are a week right?

"A one week stay, I want full room service, here is my identification for the registration."

"Beep, Boop, Blop. You are all set, enjoy your stay. Here are your keys to your personal room. Do you need me to guide you?"

"Yes, Please guide me to my room."

"Very well, please follow this service robot."

A few moments later a cylinder shape robot on wheels roughly half the size of Roger, appeared besides him.

"Follow me."

"Lead the way."

As they were walking, they passed by many small individual rooms that was already occupied, until they reached a much larger one. Though it was much larger then the other rooms in the building, it was still smaller then a hotel room.

"This is your room, in the room there is a small tablet touch screen, in which you can pay to order almost anything that we still have in stock. You have your own personal shower room, and a bed to sleep on. On the last corner of the room is where you can connect to Earth's loan Continental Ark Ship, and get online."

As much as a penny pincher Roger was most of the time, from time to time he does treats himself.

"This is a necessary expense!" Roger told himself.

"If you need anything else, you can contact me through the tablet touch screen as well. I wish you a good stay."

Roger started to unpacking his things in the room. He then took a shower to wash off any of the remaining hair that might still be on him and started to finally relax a little.

On the tablet touch screen, Roger started ordering all of his favorite food. He started treating his current situation as if he was on vacation.

"Knock, Knock, Knock."

"Your food has arrived."


He opened the door and retrieved a large fancy plate of food from the robotic sever. With the large plate of food in front of him, Roger finally turned on the computer in the room. As he was eating, he was going through the footage that he missed from the tournament, researching his next opponent in depth.

Just like Roger there was nothing seemingly special about him, but at times they suddenly burst out with an inexplicable amount of power. What is strange about him was that his upgrades seems to all be focused in many random locations.

His weapon of choice, dual wielding tribal tomahawk axes. As for why he choose that weapon, it was obvious for those that have done even a small amount of research on him. He is from a "Native American" tribe. Tomahawk Axes was one of their most iconic weapon of choice. Sometimes they were wrap around in colorful strings and had feathers sticking out of them.

After viewing a couple more of his matches Roger felt like he has seen, everything that is to be seen from the dual axe user. As confident as he seemed, he knew he shouldn't be underestimating anyone from this point forward no matter what.

With that out of the way, he turned to the Galactic forums to see if anything interesting was happening.

The first post on the forum was currently pinned and titled "Breaking News!".

Roger clicked on it. It showed a live newscaster broadcasting.

"Hmm, What is this all about?" Thought Roger as he continued watching.

The live footage showed a angry mob destroying properties, yet they didn't seem to be stealing anything. Large amount of vehicles roaming the sky and streets. Then on a closer inspection he discovered all of this is happening in the city that he happens to be living at.

"Cough, cough, cough." As soon as he realize what the footage was showing he choked on his food and hurried to get something to drink.

"This is getting out of hand, the police should do something about this situation."

"Coming in again, this is your host XXX, we are currently in city X, where the nefarious Roger lives at."

"What! The media these days, all they know what to do is come up with controversial new topics that induces anger in people, they should go back to reporting real news. Ugh." Roger thought to himself that this have went from bad to worst. Everything has been blown out of proportions.

"What has this Roger done exactly to incur so much wrath from this group of people? Well let me show you a clip from earlier before."

The screen switched footage to the moment right when Roger made a hole through "The Invisible One" body. They purposefully slowed everything down when the invisibility modules started shutting down, to reveal who was behind the curtain. When the original imagine appeared they purposefully zoomed in on the face of the invisible one. It showed the face of Miku with a face that made it seems like she has done nothing wrong, so why are you doing this to me.

"Olof. This is a Pvp tournament, be sensible people, please."

"This horrible, horrible, person named Roger without hesitation killed our beloved Miku!"

"Stop, Please stop fanning the flames." Roger prayed to the sky.

Comments on the post exploded.

"Where did they say he was located again? I am going to join them in this hunt! He is so cruel, how can he do that to our beloved idol like that?!"

"Let me at him!"

"Are you guys sure he lives in that city? How did you people find out his location?" Someone typed out of pure curiosity.

"You don't understand technology these days is amazing."

"Nah, I heard someone that knew of him in real life spilled the beans on him."

"Who rat me out!" Thought Roger, his main suspect Issac suddenly sneezed. "Achoo, who is thinking about me, I hope it is someone cute."

"Ah, this is getting depressing, I am going to stop reading this post."

He started scrolling down until he finally saw a post that wasn't about hunting him down.

The post was titled "Dark Horse".

"Do you guys think there will be any dark horse winning this tournament?"

"I don't think so, besides a few of them being a little unexpected I don't think anyone of them can beat the magician."

"I would have to agree with you, no one can defeat that monster."

"Not even the others from the top 10 stands a chance against him."

"If I were to give a percent chance on the likelihood that they would be able to beat him then maybe 15-25%."

"Aw, you guys are no fun, how about Roger the most wanted man on the planet right now, a few people even set up bounties for whoever can kill them."

"Woah, How much?"

"Way too much."

"Why do you want him to win?"

"Money, it is all about the money. Look at the insane betting ratio on him for the next match. People have gone crazy. If I just put in a tiny bit of my money, I wouldn't have to work for a few month if he does win."

"But he only has a 2% chance of becoming the champion, he is longer then a long shot candidate."

"Eh, it doesn't matter I randomly bet on him at first and made a nice sum, I won't bet it all on him and it is only until he gets beaten by someone."

"Fine you convinced me I will bet some of my money on him as well."

"Money on the Dark Horse, Roger to win!"

"Cheers to the Dark Horse, I guess we might as well choose the one with the worst odds to be it, no one else seems to be a better choice and at least we will get a kick out of it even if he does lose."


"Eh, there are actually people that believes I will win the tournament?" Roger was actually surprised because he thought no one in this world was on his side anymore.

"Well for their sake, I will do my best! Anyways, what are my odds for the next match?"


"Woah, 20:1. They were right that is insane."

After finishing his meal and watching a few animated videos online, Roger decided to do the responsible thing before tomorrow's final day of the tournament.

"I think that is enough for today, time to head to bed and sleep."

Just before going to bed, he stopped in his track.

"I didn't forget anything right?"