Chapter 37

Braylan waited for the school hours to end. He wasn't in the school but Samuel was and he wanted to meet him. But he knew that he would have to wait for Jane to be back before he could meet Samuel. He wasn't going to leave Jayden alone. He was sitting in the living room for almost half an hour now. He had just finished watching the latest episode of a show called 'Who is it? ' This was the first episode he had watched and liked it, even though he wasn't able to understand much of it as it was 13th episode. It was about a murder case being solved and he liked it. So he decided to watch the complete series the moment he gets a chance. But for now, he was going to his room to do something there. While walking to his room, he passed Jayden's room, where suppressed his urge to open the room and peep inside. He entered his room and started to check his bookshelf. He owned about 70 books and he had read all of them more than once.

"I better sort out the books for library." He said to himself and started picking the books that were for 5-10 years. He stacked them on his study table neatly and started walking towards the attic to get a spare cardboard box. He climbed the stairs to the attic. It was all clean as they had cleaned it very recently. The memory of that day made him shudder. He spotted a box that would hold 30 books easily and grabbed it. He was about to keep his foot in the first step when he heard a small gasp from behind him. He quickly turned back but there was no one in the attic. Their attic was not like those that are shown in horror movies, dark, broken and loaded with cobwebs. It was clean, airy and bright.

"It is your imagination, " He whispered to himself. "It's just your imagination! Take a deep breath. Be calm and walk out. Your brain made up that sound. " He ordered himself and as he was just about to step down, he heard a whisper-

"Is it your imagination? " It was coming from the far corner of the attic. Braylan turned behind quickly just in time to see a chair shifting as someone invisible is picking it up and placing it on some other place.

"I am not afraid of you! I am not! Leave me alone! Leave us ALONE!" He shouted and ran down the stairs. He could swear he heard a laughter behind him as be ran. He was scared. He was more than scared but he was trying to be bold in front of that invisible things. He ran inside his room, closed the door behind him and turned to pack the books. But the books were not on the study table. Instead, they were lying on the floor. He opened his door and ran towards Jayden's room.

"Jayden! Jay! Open the door. OPEN IT NOW! " He shouted while hammering it with his fist. Before Jayden opened the door, he heard the main door opening. He ran downstairs. But there was no one there. He had expected his mom to be there. Suddenly the door slammed loudly on its own and Braylan ran up again.

"JAYDEN OPEN THE DOOR NOW! PLEASE OPEN IT UP! " He said banging the door with both his hands. Jayden finally opened the door. He looked puzzled.

"Are you alright? " He asked, taking in the pale features of his brother. He was breathing loudly and he was sweating. He was close to crying and he was all pale.

"No everything is not okay. I was in the attic and I heard a whisper. I came back to my room to find the books on the floor. I heard the front door open. I went down. No one was there and the door slammed on its own. " He said quickly. Before Jayden could reply, they heard the front door open again. The boys went all quiet. They weren't even breathing.

"Boys, I am home! " Jane called and Braylan sighed in relief. He ran to meet his mother but Jayden stood there, disappointed that their mother was home. He wasn't even sure why he was disappointed but he was. He was kind of enjoying Braylan's fear. He was satisfied that he was scared which was really weird.

He stood rooted to his spot for a few minutes, without even moving and then he felt the twitch again. His arms and legs were twitching uncontrollably.

"Jayden wanna come to the.. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU? " Braylan shouted the moment he saw Jayden whose arms and legs were twitching. The twitching stopped suddenly.

"What was happening? What were you doing?" He asked.

"I.. I.. I don't remember what was happening! " Jayden replies, rubbing his forehead in a way that indicated that the doer is having trouble recalling things. " What was I doing? " He asked, looking very puzzled.

"Are you alright? " Braylan asked, gripping the older boy's shoulder. Jayden felt like someone had just touched red hot iron on his shoulder. Apart from it, he felt a sudden hatred. A hatred so strong that made him mad. But as suddenly as it had appeared, it disappeared. Braylan was nit holding his shoulder anymore. But he was staring him with a hint of fear in his eyes. For a moment, Jayden felt happy that Braylan was scared because of him. That he was able to scare the little boy. But then a small voice in his brain spoke with him.

'He is your brother and you love him! ' It said and he obeyed the small voice.

"I am fine. Don't worry about me. " He replied with a smile.

"I was asking if you want to visit the library. I am going there to donate a few books of mine. " Braylan said, trying to avoid Jayden's eyes, which puzzled Jayden even more.

"No I don't think I want to go. Why don't you go yourself. "

"Suite yourself! " Braylan said and he looked relieved. He was officially scared of his brother. He grabbed the books that were lying on the floor, dumped them in the box and turned to leave. Jayden was staring him from across the hallway. He picked the box and started walking as fast as he could without running. He reached the stairs and turned to see Jayden watching him in the same creepy way. He went down the stairs, two at a time and walked out of the house. He slammed the door and took a deep breath.


He was sitting in Samuel's room. He, Jacob and Samuel had watched the footage of Jayden twitching inside the room. He wasn't actually twitching but a man was moving his legs. It didn't make any sense to them. Braylan narrated the recent incidents to the boys and both of them looked grim.

"Your dad believes you. So why isn't he asking someone for help? " Samuel asked.

"Because they don't have enough proof. You saw the cracks and marks disappear. No one will believe them. " Jacob said. "And besides none of us know whom to contact! "

"Should we call some priest or someone like him? " Braylan asked.

"I don't know. Most of the priests are not good in these sort of stuff. " Samuel replied. "Listen! If you don't feel safe in our house, you can come in hear. My mom doesn't have any problem. Even dad won't mind. "

"Thanks for the offer Sam, but I have to be there till we figure out something. I have a bad feeling about this and I can't leave that place. Even if I am scared to step in it. " Braylan replied. He looked like he had aged 30 years in the past thirty minutes. He looked old and tired.

"If you need us, call us. Don't be shy. Even if it is past the midnight. Don't hesitate. We will help you in all the way we can. " Jacob said, half hugging Braylan who didn't protest against it.

"Thanks guys. I think I should better go home. I should tell about this to mom. I hope Dad's home too. I will feel more secure with him around too. " Braylan said and stood up to leave.

" Do you have a cross or something in your house? " Jacob asked.

"I don't think so. We are not Church-going-family! " He replied.

"Neither are we. But I bought it from the Church. Keep it. It might help. " Jacob said, giving Braylan the cross. It had a chain attached to it.

"Thank you! " He said, wearing the cross across his neck. "See you guys! " He said and walked out of the room. He took small, slow steps as he was not in a hurry to reach the house. He reached the house at the same time as Marco. He sighed in relief and waited for his dad to join him on the front steps.