Chapter 41

Jayden was packing his schoolbag . It was his habit to pack his schoolbag before sleeping. After packing the bag, he placed it on bis study table and went to bed. It was really hot so he started the air conditioner. He got into his comforter and checked the time. It was late and he was exhausted. He closed his eyes and gripped the amulet. It was some sort of ritual for him. He wouldn't sleep until he had gripped the amulet tightly. He was glad that Roger had given him the necklace. Things have stopped since he started wearing it regularly. He hadn't seen Roger since a month. But now he wasn't worried about it anymore. He was asleep within 20 minutes, snoring on top of his lungs.


It wasn't the alarm that woke him the next morning. It was the sound of someone, or something falling with a loud thud, and the pain that followed. He opened his eyes and realized that the thud was made by him falling on the floor

"Weird! " He whispered and got up, rubbing his right elbow. He got up and was about to check the time when his alarm blazed. "Now I am on time. " He said and got to his feet.

After freshening himself, and wearing proper clothes, Jayden turned towards the table to pick his bag. It wasn't there. He glanced across the room and found it near his bookshelf. He picked it up, thinking he forgot to place it on its usual place. He walked down in the kitchen and decided to get a little creative with the breakfast. It was cereal as usual so he used some whipped cream to brighten up the old cereal.

"I want whipped cream on my cereal too. How does it taste? " Braylan said after entering the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too! " Jane said, "Jay why don't you put some whipped cream on his cereal? Braylan, go and bring some cheese from the pantry section. " The boys did what they were told to do..

"Hey where's my bowl? I left ot right here? " Jayden exclaimed, turning around and finding his cereal bowl gone. Then he spotted it across the table He went there and started eating it with a scowl on his face. The whipped cream had list it's taste with this incident. He remembered clearly leaving it on the other side of the table.

"Maybe I am hallucinating. " He said, trying to convince himself. Braylan joined him shortly.

"What happened? " He asked, clearly noting the worried expression on his face.

"Nothing. I think I am a bit sleep-deficient. " He replied.

"Drink some coffee. I think I might need it as well" Braylan suggested.

"Nice idea. But you will ask mom to give us caffeine, as this was your idea! " He accepted the offer gladly.

"Okay. I think she will give us. " Braylan agreed. "Mom, do you think we can get some coffee today. I am feeling a bit sleepy. " He asked Jane.

"Okay, drink it. " Jane said.

"I think she didn't even hear us. She is too preoccupied with her work. " Jayden whispered in Braylan's ear.

"I know. But she said yes! We can drink a mug. " He said, walking towards the coffee machine. Both Jane and Marco drank around 5 cups of coffee each day, so they had bought the machine to make it easier. The boys took this opportunity for granted and poured some got coffee in the biggest cups they had in their home. They waited for the coffee to cool down a bit and then started sipping it.

"Are you drinking coffee?! " Marco said, entering the kitchen. He turned towards his wife and- "Jane! Why are the boys drinking caffeine? "

"The boys are drinking what? " She asked absent-mindedly.

"Coffee! " Marco exclaimed

"Boys, " She turned towards them, "explain yourselves! Now! " She said, placing her hand on her waist.

"We asked you. You said okay. " Jayden said, trying not to look guilty and Braylan nodded aggressively.

"I might have said it by mistake. You should have confirmed it. "

"Well, we thought that you really don't mind us drinking coffee for once in an eternity. " Braylan replied innocently.

"Okay fine. Dink it for this time." She said and started collecting her stuff. "So I have an important client I will meet today. I will be late. But I will be back before dinner. Even if I am not, I brought some readymade spaghetti. Just boil it and eat it. " She instructed the boys.

"Okay mom. Don't worry! " Jayden said and they left for the school. Jayden was feeling lonely in school. Jacob went to the countryside a week ago. He was going to be there for 20 days. So it was William and him. William was a very irregular boy so usually he ended up alone. Jackson- the bully was back. But he kept his distance from him and that was a big bonus for him. He would usually sit in a corner of the cafeteria during lunch break. He was also a member of school's pong team, so he had a couple of friends from different classes. But they had their own groups in their respective classes and he was too shy to join them.

Jayden entered the class and spotted William.

"Oh good! You are present today! " Jayden said happily.

"I am going to be regular from today. We were shifting our house. " He replied. " You should come to my house some day. It's not far from school. This house is way better than the old one. " He invited.

"Gladly! " He said, grinning and took a seat beside him.

" Yo Jayden, come here! " A brown boy who looked about 15, called him. He turned to see who it was and recognized the team captain Ali Hassan. He went to him and-

"We are having an inter school competition next week. I want you to meet us in pong room during the break. We will have to practice after school. " He informed him.

"Ok Ali. I will be there. " He replied.

"Good, good. Now let me see others. " Ali said, stretching his arm for a handshake. They shook hands and Ali turned to leave. Jayden went back to his seat, informed William, and texted his mom and Braylan.

Lunch break came sooner than expected, Jayden stuffed his lunch quickly, apologized William and left for the room. He was the second one to arrive. The first one was Ali, who was eating his lunch in the room.

"Wanna try some? " He said, passing a roll. "It's chicken. " Jayden tasted some and liked it.

"So why are you eating here? " He asked.

"Because I didn't want my team members to see the room empty and walk away. " He replied. Jayden liked Ali. He wasn't like most of their seniors who had their heads in clouds. Especially those who were captains or Prefects. They were the most arrogant jerks to walk on the school grounds. Ali, on the contrary was a humble and down to earth boy, who treated everyone with respect.

"Can I ask you something? " Jayden asked once Ali was done with the food.

"Go ahead. " He said, wiping his hands with wet wipes.

"Why aren't an arrogant jerk like others? I mean you are a team captain and I heard that you excel in academics too. " He asked and it seemed really stupid to ask it. But he was just curious. "I know it's stupid, but I was simply curious. " Ali just smiled.

"It's because arrogance is not a good thing and it is said not to be arrogant in our Holy book. So we, Muslims follow our Holy book as the way of life. It says us not to be arrogant, and hence, we think arrogance as a sin." He explained. Jayden was impressed. But before he could ask anything else, the other team members started coming in.

Ali Hassan started explaining some tactics and tricks that they would use during their matches.

The end of school hours came and they started practicing. After an hour of practice, Ali Hassan finally dismissed them.

Jayden reached home. He took a long, soothing shower, then stepped out to do some homework. But his school bag was nit in his room.

"BRAYLAN! " He shouted.

"Yeah, what is it? " Braylan entered the room.

"Nothing. Sorry! " He replied, scowling at his school bag that was lying under his bed.