Chaptee 83

Robert woke up with the faint beep of his wristwatch. It read 1:36. He was a minute behind the schedule, but that could be compensated by speed. He quickly got up and did a couple of stretches. Then he drank some water, and sprinkled some of it on his face. He was completely active. There were no signs of sleep in his eyes. He quickly walked towards the trapdoor opened it, and stepped down very quitely. Everything was still and quiet. He was not holding his breath, because he knew that once his lungs were void of air, he would start breathing anaerobically, making some noise. Holding breath is not a smart move. If a person keeps breathing normally, no one listens or hears the sound of it, but when a person holds their breath, and then take a gasp of air, it is heard. Robert was not even walking briskly. He was walking with a normal pace, but he was making no sound. The reason for not walking with a pace was he didn't want to get out of breath.