Someone to accompany you...

"But what I'm going to tell you next, can be quite shocking for you. As per my perception, your grandfather was already aware of his health issues but he kept it hidden from all of you intentionally.."

Ethan's eyes which had turned completely gloomy, instantly lifted up hearing the last few statements of the doctor.

"What? He was already aware about this?" Ethan asked, completely puzzled with the new revelation.

Nodding his head in affirmation, the doctor politely replied, "Yes.. He does.. I've found traces of few medicines which we usually give to cancer patients to stabilize their health temporarily. I don't know why, but he definitely didn't want to reveal this to any of you..

However, I want to let you inform about few precautionary measures first. As you already know that your grandfather has only few more months to survive in this world. So I don't want anyone to pressurize him about this matter..

In fact, my suggestion will be for your family to make him as much happy as possible. Try to fulfill his every demands so that he can at least leave the world with a serene smile on his face."

A tear rolled down on Ethan's cheek but he didn't intend to wipe off that single drop of tear from his face, as the pain he was feeling inside his heart now at the thought of losing his grandfather, was beyond anyone's imagination..

It was the biggest blow of his life!

Never in his life, he had thought of a certain day where he would come face to face with such a shocking news which would not only tremble his whole world but also shatter down every piece of his hope and beliefs...

His grandfather was dying!

His grandpa would live only for few more days and then leave him completely alone to fight against the whole world!

He couldn't believe that he would not be able to see his grandpa anymore after few days!

There would be no one to love him wholeheartedly and care for him to the extent that he would never bother about anything or anyone else in the world..

His mind started to reminisce through all those old yet golden memories where he would attempt all kind of mischiefs along with Joseph.

Whenever his parents weren't home or busy in some work, they would plan lots of tricks and pull pranks behind their back, having utmost fun of their life while laughing with each other like some crazy fellows, not even bothering about their age difference..

Those memories brought more tears in his eyes but he somehow controlled it, muttering internally that he had to be strong now, for his grandfather's sake!

Inhaling a sharp breath, he looked at the doctor and said, "I'll try my best to keep grandpa happy, doctor. Hence, I'm gonna take my leave then."

The doctor just nodded his head in affirmation as he saw Ethan walking out of his cabin with his head bowed down while tears kept falling from his eyes..


Ethan entered inside the VIP ward where Joseph had been kept with an IV drop injected in his left hand and other machines attached to his body.

With slow and unsteady steps, he reached to his grandfather and took a seat on the stool which was placed just beside the bed.

His eyes then fell on Joseph's right hand which was void of any kind of wires and held it tightly in between his both palms before placing a small kiss on it...

Tears started to brim into his eyes, making them gloomier than before. A layer of haziness started constructing over his retina, not allowing him to see the wrinkled and pale face of his best buddy from childhood..

Feeling someone's familiar touch on his hand, Joseph slowly opened his eyes, only to have a look on his grandson's dropped head and a small smile crept on his lips..

"Ethan… My boy!" Joseph lowly whispered, calling his name with utmost love.

Ethan immediately looked up, hearing his voice as more tears poured out of his pupils, streaming down on his cheek, making it completely wet..

"You knew about it.. didn't you?" Ethan didn't waste even a second more and asked the most important question which was wandering around his mind for quite a while.

A sigh escaped from Joseph's mouth as he accepted it immediately, "Yes, I do know about me having cancer."

"Why, Grandpa? Why didn't you inform any of us about this? We could have start your treatment way before. Then you wouldn't have to suffer so much today..

In fact, by now you'd have been completely fine, enjoying your life with me to the fullest." Ethan's voice was lacing with extreme vulnerability as he spoke to his grandfather or more like asked about all those queries which was disturbing him from the time he had come to know about everything.

Joseph knew that it was time for him to reveal every single details to his grandson. He wanted to be truthful to him for one last time before leaving the world for forever..

"I didn't inform anyone about my disease in fear of getting forced by you to complete my treatment, which I really didn't wanted to happen. It's been years that I'm living my life all alone, without my lovely wife beside me..

Now that I'm finally having this severe disease, I thought why not to utilise it properly and take it as a chance to live with my wife in heaven, just like the perfect happy couple that we were.." Joseph expressed his thoughts in a comparatively low tone, making Ethan feel in unimaginable amount of pain in his heart.

"How can you be so much selfish grandpa? Only thinking about yourself, forgetting about me completely! What will I do or how will I live after you leave me? Did you ever think about it?" Ethan threw one after another questions while throwing an accusing glare towards him.

The corner of his lips arched up into a big grin, as Joseph's mind started imagining the beautiful face of a certain someone while his mouth finally opened to speak out his thoughts, "You won't be alone, Ethan. I've already arranged someone to accompany you for the rest of your life."