Sophia then told Marvel that she would be back after which she quickly disappeared and reappeared again with Susan.

Sophia was a marked witch and couldn't stay in the world for long so she needed to leave immediately before someone notice her.

The birthday party still went on even without the celebrant because they weren't informed about what happened. They told them she would be back in few minutes.

Susan took Marvel with her back to the coven so that she can be treated. Something strange was wrong with her which they couldn't tell.

Sophia decided to take the place of Marvel. She was scared to do so for a long time but they assured her all will be well and as soon as Marvel was well again she will go back.

Sophia then changed into Marvel and left for the party after Susan had disappeared with Marvel, who is now a cat.

Sophia had a mark on her back close to her shoulder and the clothes that she wore as Marvel revealed it but she didn't know.