"Who are you?" Susan asked confused.
"I am Marvel." The girl replied.
"I don't understand, which Marvel?" Susan asked.
"Don't believe her! Let's get out of here." The girl, Marvel replied as she pulled her by the arm but Susan was not moving.
Susan don't! She's not Marvel, don't believe her!" The other girl cries Wich left Susan confused on who is who.
"What are you?" asked Susan to the girl with her.
"I am human just like you." She replied.
"And what am I?" Susan asked her again.
"You are...ahhhh" she cried out as she held her stomach pretending to be in pain.
"Marvel, are you okay?" Susan bent down to check on her.
"Susan don't believe her! She's faking it, believe me!" Marvel cried.
Susan fight Marvel who tried to harm the other girl in order to force her to confess. They fought with clubs until Marvel got badly injured and was bleeding before Susan left her as she was helpless.
"Susan nooooo!" cried Marvel in pain.