Marvel remained speechless as she heard her mother come clean to her. She could feel the pain and guilt in her voice and felt sorry for her.

It was never her intentions to hurt her but also, she needed to act and think like a human and not some other creature.

Hearing such news could make anyone go mad but Marvel didn't want to just explode at her mum, the pain in her voice and eyes alone stopped her from growing angry, it was a mixed feeling for Marvel.

She was deep in her own thoughts that she didn't know her mum was still talking to her hut she paid no attention until her mum called her name twice.

"Marvel...Marvel are you with me?" She asked her after she had spoken for so long without her saying anything.

Marvel thought this could also be an opportunity to speak to her mum about who she really is and also tell her about her being a vampiress.

"Marvel...!" Her mum's voice came alive in her thoughts.

"Yes...mum yes...I can hear you." Marvel replied as she was jilted back.