"There's a fire outbreak in the kitchen." She replied as they rushed outside the room to see how to bring the fire under control before it escalated but they were not so fast.

Meanwhile, they left Mary in the room still in her condition to save the house. Saving three lives was of importance to one.

On arriving downstairs, they saw smoke filled everywhere. The fire seemed to be coming from the kitchen. Martins tried to maneuver his way in but as he opened the door, the fire blazed out.

The windows were opened and there was a full wind outside which escalated the fire and all they could do now was to run as it travelled to the dining, burning the chairs after the kitchen door was burnt down.

"We have to save your mother and run immediately! Go to your room and grab a few things let's get out of here while I go get your mother!" Martins instructed Marvel in between chokes and coughs as he ran upstairs.