5am, Sherbrooke, Canada. Claire Evatt, a homicide detective wakes up from sleep as her alarm buzzes loudly into her ears. She gets up and takes her towel then heads for the bathroom. She takes her breakfast of hot coffee and two slices of bread, wears her tracksuit pants and a sleeve with a black jacket as she is preparing for work in her home in Canada. She puts all of her stuff together and leaves the house and drives away.

Hefner Eric has been the coroner for the police department, Allen District for as long as his certificate was handed to him 20 years ago. He didn't get to stay that way without his super apt sense of discerning. He was one of the best they have got and was the only one available when the need for one arrived. Despite being forty-three years old, he is still one to jump around when called to work. The reluctance other staff younger than him would show, was never in him since he began.