"... Iexclaimed with surprise.
The awkward air in the room was too much for anyone to bear. They all burst into laughter. Lorna, Galand, Ciara... And even Noir genuinely laughed for the first time in a while.
"This isn't so bad after all..." Noir thought to himself as he laughed some more.
YEAR: 2174
LOCATION: Earth (Ruined World)
"Lia... I'm in love with you!" Darey suddenly blurted out one evening as they were alone.
Nearly two years had passed since Darey and Emilia started to journey together. In between battles with Monsters, building shelters, plundering stores, obtaining food and most importantly, survival, they had undoubtedly become very close. They shared secrets, laughs and deep moments together. As the only people they knew to be alive on Earth, they became friends
Emilia's face turned red as she expressed a flustered and surprised look.