Closer to Arrival

She was a Daddy's girl through and through. Her father have this apartment to her as a gift for graduating highschool when he surveyed the dorms at her chosen university and saw it was unfit for the daughter the Titahin family. They were quick to jump on board for letting Copia and Mira in. They were females and two they had steady jobs, so of course they could not ruin their daughters non-existent virginity.

I also learned that she was raised in Shurikaro and now she taught middle school at Bluesbury Middle School. Mira Le Belle, liked being called Mira. She was a private massage therapist. Her clients ranged from upper class to low class. She did not discriminate because of money and taught classes on the side to people who wanted to learn at home massage for themselves. Mira had originally moved to Los Angeles from Mississippi for school. California, she'd said, had never felt right to her until she met the Netarute.

Copia unfortunately, was busy with work, so I did not actually get to talk to her. I learned through Mira that she was a make-up artist. The first week I'd been in touch with Netarute and Mira, she was in Mexico working on a movie. This weekend she was working on a music video. So I was not expecting to see her much at the house. Interestingly enough she was from the same state as me but Mira could not remember the town. Netarute passed on hellos from Copia every so often.

I was not exactly sure if this relationship situation would work out, but I was willing to try. It was the closest place to my Modeling job with Yates. If I did not move out now, my face would probably be defamed with other modeling companies. So it seemed like a to way win in for me to go out as soon as the paper work as done and all my things are packed up.

Mira had told me more about her relationship with Netarute. They slept together more than they'd slept with Copia, because the latter was away frequently. All three of them loved each other as equally as they could and tried to split their attention accordingly, but it was obvious that these two were more in sync. As discussed I could say no whenever I wanted. I was not obligated to join in there sexual affairs. If I wanted to be with Netarute instead of Mira or Copia that was fine.

What was most important was communication, blatant and clear but if you do notspeak your mind it could easily led to a non sexy atmosphere. While they did go with the flow in most situations they did have group talks to talk about big issues like finances, ripples in relationship, and feelings.

This situation was ideal. I got to live within distance from my job, had an overly decent place to live, girls who were into parties, and art lovers, and they were all non-monogamous like what situation was better than this. Though I would miss my late-night bar escapades, picking up females at the mall, and my one-night stands.

It did not seem as though I would have time to go out like I used to with 3 people around. Maybe, this situation would be a nicer option because everything was at home. Right there. In front, whenever I needed it. All I had to do was sign a lease and I got instant companionship. Though I would miss dick it is not nothing a dildo cant fill.

The last few weeks helped me feel more comfortable with the living situation and I summed up the courage to tell my Mom and Dad. After a long six month period of searching for apartments, they were glad I found a place to settle.

"Oh wow, Kati(Kah-tee), those girls are hella something." She stared at the picture as if she could not believe those girls needed a roommate either.

" You sure I do not need to send an ambulance after you?" My mom said chuckling, knowing my crushes can easily lead me to hyperventilation.

Dad followed up, "You lucky bastard." He could only dream of having something as sweet as this deal when we was twenty-four.

We fist bumped. Mom and Dad continuously gave me advice on how to stay safe in a new place. My mom bought me a 4 pack of mace to carry and a small taser. They warned me that if the girls didn't follow my boundaries I could always come back. Damn, I love these people, while their antics annoyed me sometimes I couldn't ask for me supportive parents.

Although it sounded like someone's fantasy come true, I was unsure. I was used to putting in a little effort to get my sex and emotional connections. That is what made it all the more worthwhile. It made the ease of my new living situation slow and awkward for me to accept. No matter how great it sounded. But that is exactly what made me do it. You see I learned a few years ago saying no to unfamiliar territory will not help you grow into the person you want to be. So sweet lord, I hope they help me grow lots.

My Nissan Leaf was loaded with boxes and a few other bags. It held my exercise equipment, sci-fi posters, my beloved mirror, vases, and some pillows. I had gotten only my favorite kitchen wares including this amazing work my mom had gotten me because another one of my passions besides having good sex is eating. Food that is.

If a stranger looked into my car they would see that I had more clothes strewn around than anything else. Despite my car being filled to the brim, in every nook and cranny there were more places for me to fit my clothes in. I used them.

I was three hours outside of Chameo, when I realized that Netarute and Mira had been slowly pulling me into their relationship over the phone. We'd been corresponding the past couple of weeks video chatting, calling, text messaging. They answered any and all questions that I asked. The subtle flirtatious tone in Netarute's voice lulled me into a trance more than her beauty.

She had an ethereal beauty to her paired with a low falsetto pooled confidence and stirred up my insides. I noticed that she bit her lip when she didn't want to laugh and when she did laugh her teeth gleamed between her dark painted lips. And Mira. Now she was the opposite of subtle. After a week she had sent me more than a handful of pictures of her. Clothed and naked. She was teasing me with a tug of her collar to show off her cleavage. Another boomerang video of her towel slipping form her back.

The best part was when I saw her breasts. She had really pretty breasts, a C cup I believe. And her nipples are to die for. So cute and perfectly round I couldn't wait to play with them. They are the kind with a nice patch of dark brown around the nipple. Her buds perky and alert in every photo. I had giggled every time I would get a surprise nude in the middle of the day. Eventually I sent her a couple of me. The war was on. I would meet her love language head on.

I came to a stop at the mouth of the driveway. There it was the half engulfed town house at 54 Parkway Side Lane. I pulled up into the medium sized driveway that already held two other cars. One silver and the other a red hot rod. Damn, they weren't kidding when they said Netarute had money. Before I had even cut the engine Mira came bouncing down the stone steps.

Grinning gleefully as she made her way towards my Nissan. Mira had graciously insisted on clearing her weekend to help me get settled. 'It is the least I could do.' I remember her saying multiple times. Netarute was a few feet behind her, stretching each of her long legs down the stone path way as if she had all the time in the world. I swallowed, I was infatuated with her already.

I stepped from my car, and was met with the feeling of true warmth from the California sun. Beating down on my own Moroccan clay skin. The sun was subtle, but I knew not to stay in the sun too long for fear of skin cancer. I smoothed the wrinkles from my blue and white striped body jumpsuit from sitting in the car.

Only to be nearly tackled in a hug by Mira, Mira La Belle. I smiled and hugged her for a few seconds before releasing her. She pulled back only to slip her arms behind my waist.

"Hi hot stuff," she smiled brightly. Shifting her eyebrows up and down in a suggestive gesture.