Kitchen Nightmare

We lay in the darkness together for a long time, snuggled against each other under the covers, just talking about random things. Mira yawned several times, but she kept chattering on. I liked the sound of her voice though. It was sweet and pleasant.

Finally I felt Netarute perch up on her elbow behind me. I turned at looked over my shoulder at her.

"Baby," she said to Mira .

"Yeah?" Mira responded.


Mira sat up and leaned forward over my body. She kissed Netarute , long and slow, their tongues gently caressing each other. The knots realigned themselves in my stomach, wondering if they were gearing up for round two. But before my fantasies got the best of me, their lips broke apart. They whispered soft, 'I love you's' topped off with Eskimo kisses before Netarute turned and looked down at me.

"Night," Kayitah she whispered before pressing her lips to mine. My eyes fluttered closed and I simply let myself feel her. Her lips were swollen, yet so soft, plump and perfect. She didn't kiss me as intensely as she kissed Mira, but it was a kiss, a really good kiss, one that made me want to kiss Netarute everyday.

When Netarute settled back behind me, I turned on my side to face Mira. She was staring back at me expectantly.

"Yes?" I whispered at her, smirking.

"Just wanted to say goodnight," she giggled. She leaned a bit closer and kissed me softly on the lips ... at first. Moments later her tongue was in my mouth, exploring. I whimpered, allowing myself to fall deeper into the kiss. Mira too, was talented with her lips. I wondered if I'd ever want to leave the house again living with these two.

Mira pulled back, pecking me twice more gently before she rolled over. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me, nuzzling the back of her neck.

A few hours later I woke up and Mira was gone. Lifting my head, I felt - then saw Netarute's arms wrapped around my waist and her body warming my backside. In the darkness the house felt peaceful and quiet, but I could hear the rhythmic sounds of the city buzzing out side the windows. I was so comfortable.

I didn't think it was possible to go to sleep with two people, wake up with one and then again wake up alone, but apparently it was. Netarute's bedroom was bright as sunlight shined through the thin white curtains. The sun was all the way up, sunlight reflecting off of the curtains shining a pale filter over the room.

Netarute's room was washed in a eggshell blue with white trim at the bottom that separated the tan hardwood floors. For a person who wore so much brown I would have never guessed her room was the equivalent to walking on a cloud. The light atmosphere of her room had me thinking I woke up in someone else's bed.

Clean floors, wooden white painted dressers with frilled trims, a white painted closet, a white hamper, and a white bed frame. This furniture was either something that belonged to a serial killer or a person who had money. You know they are either an OCD killer or they have someone to keep it up the house for them. I would like to think Netarute was the latter.

A distant memory flickered into my head of a text from her saying a maid comes over to clean the house once every two months. I stretched and rolled over in the satin brown colored duvet. I twisted my neck, releasing a crack. Sighing, I pushed myself up on the bed, as I heard the crumpling of a small piece of paper. I searched the covers. It was a note from Netarute.

'Kati, Has anyone ever told you, you look like a cute baby when your nuzzled between my breasts? :)

We are downstairs when you want to get some food in your tummy.


I slipped off the bed and raised my hands to the sky. Leaning to the left and the right to stretch my sides as well as arms as I wanted to get the blood pumping all around my body. After my quick stretch, I realized the only thing that might wake me up was breakfast. Pouting I tried my best to rub the sleep from my eyes as I made my way to my room from Netarute's.

I was grateful for the fuzziness of the carpets between rooms. My feet no longer felt cold. Lids half shut, I picked up comfortable lounge wear, consisting of a black shirt with a purplish pink milkyway and black boy shorts. I headed downstairs. I could hear Mira and Netarute talking in the kitchen as I floated down the stairway.

"I don't know. She didn't sleep in my room," I heard Mira say.

"What time did she come in?" Netarute asked.

"I don't know. Like two," Mira said unsure herself.

I walked into the kitchen. Netarute was in her short cream colored nightgown from last night. She was sitting up on the island, examining a few strands of her hair . Mira was sitting down at the kitchen island. She had on a different shirt and shorts than last night. Maybe they didn't walk around the house naked that much.

"Morning," I said. My voice was rough, still a little thick from sleep.

"Morning," Mira chirped.

"Hey. Did you sleep well?" Netarute asked tilting her head to the side, while her eyes surveyed my sleepy state with a small smile. I hummed in the back of my throat and walked over to her. Slowly I took her face in my hands I brought her head down to kiss me.

It was a sleepy kiss, smooth, and gentle. Nothing extra, but all I needed. I released her after a few seconds. Walking over to Mira, who gladly excepted me into her arms, to a soft embrace.She slid her arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around her shoulders pressing a kiss into hair.

"Well it seems your fitting in quite smoothly. You must do this often." Mira observed with a delighted tone.

I laughed softly, "Hmm yeah, Being wrapped around three people isn't a new situation for me, but this is the first time..." I trailed off sleepily. I tend to talk a lot when I'm sleepy. Usually a bunch of nonsense says via my previous friends and partners.

"Plus it help that Neta here knows how to use her tongue well and you have a really smooth finger techniques." Mira laughed in my arms and shared a look with Neta.

"Always do that too me..." I kept mumbling. Mira giggles and nuzzled her face in my breasts.

"We made breakfast..." Mira said, but it was muffled and lost in my chest.

"What?" I asked confused.

"We made breakfast." Netarute offered and walked over the other side of the island to grab a bowl of cut of fruit. She lifted it up to the counter to put it into my reach. I smiled and happily reached over Miras' head to get a strawberry.

Mira started laying soft kisses on my shoulder. I smiled. Allowing her lips to cover my skin. Mira felt like the literal embodiment of love. Her cuteness and adorable figure with her endearing smile was making my heart glow. I giggled and finished my strawberry reaching for another fruit.

Netarute gestured to several other options. There was cereal on the far counter, oatmeal in the cupboards, whatever I wanted in the fridge and half of an omelet that was waiting in the pan to be eaten. I thanked her gratuitously and said the fruit was all I needed today.

Just then the front door opened... and I wished it hadn't.

"Babies, mama is home!"

Copia yelled from the front room. Neta held back a laugh,

"What kind of mom leaves her children for 5 days!" A laugh erupted from the front of the house, "A mom who needs to make money that's who." They bantered back and forth while I freaked out on the inside.

The other roommate was at the front door. I swallowed my sweet breakfast with a gulp, just barely missing my wind pipe. Here was the first time I get to see my new roommate and possible lover. It hit me then how nervous I was.

How unprepared I was to deal with her. I'd been in touch with Mira and Netarute for two whole weeks and I hadn't heard from Copia at all. Hadn't seen her during the scheduled video chats.

Although, she was busy being a behind the scenes makeup artist, I now felt short changed in this meeting. I could only hope it goes well.

"We're in here," Netarute called back changing her posture to leaning against the black marble island on our side of the black marble countertop. She slid her hands back against the edge.