Shadow of the Moon

Angry footsteps approached and he emerged from the darkness, quaking with rage. The air smelled like ozone and burning forests. "I said," he spat, "that I love you."

His words were like a punch in the gut. Nausea swept through me, and I teetered on the edge of the bed. "No, you don't," I said fiercely. "Not after all you've done."

He winced, and I fell dead silent.

"Oh God," I said, horrified. "You still think you do! You're as delusional as a toilet that thinks it's a King's Throne!"

He groaned at my reaction, hiding his head in his hands.

"No!" I protested. "This isn't right! You're Death! That's disgusting!" I looked up imploringly. "Please tell me this is another one of your twisted jokes," I begged. "I saw you in Eden. You died. You're dead, Samael, dead. Death cannot love life!"

He wrapped his wings around his body, shielding himself from me.