Bereshit Elohai Adonai, Bereshit Elohai Nashema

Lucifer smiled, picking a creeping grub of a thing from his blackened, charred ribcage onto violinist fingers.  He smirked, lion fangs dripping poison, as if sizing the worm up to devour with his monstrous appetite. 

My boyfriend's evil twin crushed the worm between his fingers and licked it with his triple forked serpent tongue. 

"See?  I am a coffin.  Martyrs only end up dead.  I am your grave, maiden, if you choose to be my bride."

"Gross, Lu.  Real gross."

He mocked me in unholy tones, like a grinding organ of rancid meat.  It started to drive me mad, as Lucifer's blasphemies wept from his drool like filth. I covered my ears, screaming.

Samael, deep inside, was crying out, caged in his enemies' body. He the Darkness, Lucifer the light.

He was beyond my salvation.

Lucifer emanated: "Bereshit elohai nashema. Bereshit elohai Yis'rael. Bereshit elohai Adonai. Bereshit elohai zakar."