The Rain King

Lucifer low whistled. "A rousing finale. Say…" he murmured, fussing with his jeans. "I wrote a story for you. Samael's conscious told me he mocked your writing. He cannot create anything, as he is death, including his deadly omelets."

"Oh, you did!"

He grinned, unfurling a torn piece of paper that read "The Rain King."

Once upon a time there was a wretched beast that dwelled on the edge of the world. He spent his days tending to his beloved rose gardens, the laborious work and constant pricks of thorn helping distract him from his desolation. He took his meals alone, dined with darkness and rose with the moon. The food was bland and the palace lights always dim, his fortress flooded with eternal tears.

There was a girl for which the rains came. Thunder was her confidant, lightning her friend. Her hair was levin yellow and eyes an ozone blue.