
Am I Catalina, sweet Aurvandil?

Are you my Dawn Star, wandering

to the cold unknown, uncaring, not

burning but still alight, oh Aurvandil.

How I count your rays, Morgenstern.

How I comb my hair with you, Hesperus.

And still you are a tower impenetrable, Aurvandil.

And still I am an isthmus in your sea, adrift yet tethered

to bound earth, Eve's curse is to be the Serpent's shipwreck,

constantly combing the sands of Lucifer's skin

For pearls.

Excerpt from "Crist I"

éala éarendel engla beorhtast

ofer middangeard monnum sended

and sodfasta sunnan leoma,

tohrt ofer tunglas þu tida gehvane

of sylfum þe symle inlihtes.

Swa þu, god of gode gearo acenned, 

sunu soþan fæder swegles in wuldre

Hail Day-Star! Brightest angel sent to man throughout the earth, and

Thou steadfast splendour of the sun, bright above stars! Ever Thou dost