Shannon With a Side of Sardines

Samael's arm snaked round my waist and he leaned against the wrought iron railing of his Tree of Life bedroom castle, watching the beautiful sunset. It had been a long, weary month of Rosanna, Divya, me, Samael, Lucifer, and the forces of Heaven and Hell – Michael, who now had a cockblock vengeance against me and Samael/Lucifer, commanding his forces tirelessly – and Jesus with swords at his mouth, fighting Kokabiel's mechanical armies and Metatron's clones.

We were desperately losing.

"I wish you were in mortal peril more often – it gives me an excuse to be with you."

"I'll take that as an attempt to be sweet, after Belial almost killed me."

"Ah yes, that wild card. Never know what side he is on. Probably Rahab's, the forces of destruction."

"Rape on his card much?" I winced. Samael traced my womb.

"I'm so sorry you sought him out, but I told you not to."