Black dragon members open fire on Sonya, Johnny, and Liu Kang. The three of them quickly move out of the way, dodging bullets all around them. Johnny jumps around, ready to fight as Sonya jumps in the air and kicks a black dragon member behind him. She then sweeps Johnny's legs, knocking him to the ground, and takes out two more black dragons.

"Stay down!" Sonya tells him.

"Hey, I can fight!"

Sonya drop kicks another black dragon and grabs his gun. She stands over Johnny and opens fire, taking out a lot of black dragon members.

"Man, she is so hot."

The two then look over to Liu Kang being surrounded by armed black dragons.

"Should we go help him?" Johnny asks.

"Nah. Let's see what he can do." Sonya replies.

Liu Kang looks around and sees nothing but armed men. He slowly pulls out a pair of nunchucks swinging them around.

"Did he just pull out nunchucks in a gun fight?" Sonya asks, confused.

"Yep, he's toast." Johnny says.

"Poor bastard didn't even have a chance." Kano says, laughing to himself.

Liu Kang closes his eyes and empties his mind. One of the men then shoots at Liu Kang, but he easily hits the bullet with the nunchucks, knocking it back right into his chest. Everyone stares at the monk in utter shock.

"Bloody hell." Kano says.

"Impossible." Sonya states.

"Holy shit." Johnny says.

All of the black dragons then opens fire on Liu Kang, but Liu either doges or knocks the bullets back into the men. One, by one, Black Dragons fall, angering Kano. When the shooting stops, only one member is left standing. Liu Kang puts away his nunchucks and stares at the one man. When the man aims his gun at the monk, a blade goes through his chest, blood flying everywhere. The black dragon member then gets pulled back into the woods. Screams can be heard in the woods, but suddenly stop.

As Kano runs off, someone comes out of the woods. Scorpion, with a severed head and a bloody blade reveals himself. Johnny and Sonya rushes to Liu Kang's side, ready to fight.

"Master Hasashi. It's good to see you again." Liu Kang says, bowing to Scorpion.

"As honorable as ever, Liu Kang. But, I'm afraid I am Hanzo Hasashi no more. I am Scorpion now."

"Hi, Mr. scorpion sir, Johnny Cage. Listen, have you ever thought about being in movies? I know one that would really be great with you."

Sonya elbows Johnny in the side.

"With all do respect, I don't believe that. I believe that there is still humanity in you." Liu Kang says.

Scorpion stays silent for a moment, hearing the screams of his people in his head.

"All of my humanity was taken away by one man. And one man that I plan to kill."

"Raiden told me what happened to your clan...your wife and son. I am sorry."

Scorpion doesn't reply to Liu Kangs kindness.

"Killing out of revenge isn't the answer Maste- scorpion." Liu Kang argues.

"Right now, it is the only answer that I want."

Scorpion disappears in flames.

"Boy, that guy's really intense." Johnny points out.

Sonya then notices that Kano is gone.

"Damn, Kano got away."

"We will find him and your partner, Sonya. But right now we must go back inside and regroup. I am sure your partner will be fine."

Liu Kang says, putting his hand on her shoulder.


Johnny puts his arm around Sonya, trying to comfort her.

"Don't worry Baby, it'll all be ok."

Angered by this, Sonya punches him between the legs and walks away.

"Yep, she definitely wants me." Johnny says in a high pitched voice and slowly walks away in pain.

Liu Kang smiles and follows, but stops for a moment. He stares at the same spot where Scorpion stood, wondering if Hanzo Hasashi really has lost his humanity and is gone forever.

The next day, Johnny, Sonya, and Liu make their way to the arena.

"Just in time, earth realm. Our next match! Johnny Cage vs Reptile!" Shang Tsung says with an evil grin.

A green fighter with scales jump onto the stage. Johnny smirks at Liu Kang and Sonya.

"Give me five seconds. Six tops."

He flips on stage, ready to fight.

"I will say, you do look better than the last guy." Johnny says.

Reptile takes off his mask and reveals multiple razor sharp teeth and lizard like face.

"I stand corrected."

Reptile then charges at Johnny with his claws. Johnny quickly avoids it and goes for a roundhouse kick, but Reptile ducks it and drop kicks him in the chest.

"Not bad, lizard breath."

Reptile charges at Johnny again, with the movie star side stepping him and kicking him in the gut. He then punches the creature in the face then knees it in the gut, knocking him to the ground. As Johnny is about to finish the fight, Reptile disappears, shocking everyone.

"He just vanished?" Sonya asks.

"It's one of his people's abilities to go intangible at will. Johnny Cage needs to watch his surroundings." Raiden replies.

As Johnny looks for his opponent, he is hit in the face. He quickly punches in the air, hitting nothing, but gets hit in face again, drawing blood from his nose.

"Not cool, geico lizard."

As the fight continues, Johnny gets beaten badly, not being able to hit what he can't see. Reptile appears again, grabbing Johnny by the throat. He pulls out his claws, ready to slash his throat.

"He's gonna kill him." Sonya tells the others.

As the creature goes for the final blow, Liu Kang jumps in the air and kicks Reptile away from Johnny. Liu catches a bloody and bruised Johnny.

"Are you alright?" Liu Kang asks his fallen comrade

"Yeah...a few more seconds...and the guy was all...mine. But...thanks...Liu."

Sonya and Raiden rushes to Johnny's side, helping him off the stage. Shang Tsung slams his fist in anger.

"What is the meaning of this!? This fight isn't over yet! Johnny Cage must finish the match."

Liu Kang stands up and stares down the sorcerer.

"Then I'll finish the fight on his behalf."

Shang Tsung glares at the monk for a minute, then smiles.

"Very well, Liu Kang. You will face Reptile in Cages place!"

Liu Kang then turns to face Reptile, ready to avenge his fallen comrade.