Liu Kang meditates in a garden near by as Raiden talks to him.

"Remember Bo'Rai Cho's teachings. You must not let emotion overpower you." Raiden tells him.

"Understood, Lord Raiden."

"Now that Johnny Cage is eliminated, and we weren't planning on Sonya actually participating in the tournament, it is up to you to save Earth realm."

Liu Kang gets to his feet and faces Raiden.

"I give you my word, I will not fail."

The two bow to each other then Raiden leaves. As Liu Kang goes back to meditating, a razor sharp fan is thrown at his head. He easily doges and jumps to his feet. Katana then reveals herself as Liu Kang smirks.

The female warrior then goes for punches and kicks but Liu Kang easily blocks and dodges them. He then knocks away a punch and kicks her in the back. Angered by this, Katana throws two punches, but Liu Kang catches them both, pulling her close. The two stare into each other's eyes as Liu smiles, confusing Katana.

"You're good. Show me more." Liu Kang tells her with a smile.

She then pushes him back and grabs her two weaponized fans.

"Do not underestimate me, Shaolin."

She charges at the monk, swinging quick and wildly. Liu Kang doges, avoiding being cut by a few inches. He grabs and pulls her by the wrist and kicks her in the face then punches her in the gut, knocking her to the ground.

"Had enough?"

"Not even close."

She swings one of her fans at him, but Liu Kang grabs her arm and throws her to the ground. Before Katana can get to her feet, she is met with a flaming fist in front of her face.

"This fight is over." Liu Kang tells a disappointed Katana.

She puts down her fans and bows her head.

"Do it."

Liu Kang is confused.

"Do what?"

"Kill me. Get it over with."

"Why would I do that?"

"I came to kill you. I have failed my father. My emperor, Shao Kahn."

Liu Kang is shocked.

"Shao Kahn is your father?!"

"I have disgraced him. You must kill me."

Liu Kang kneels down infront of her and smiles.

"I'm sorry, but I will not. This encounter never took place. You have disgraced no one."

Katana looks at the Shaolin monk in shock as he smiles at her.

"But...why? Why show me mercy?"

"Because it be such a waste if someone like you dies for no good reason."

Liu Kang then starts to walk away as Katana tells him something else.

"You can not win. Shao Kahn can not be defeated, he will take your world and you will kneel like countless others before you."

Liu Kang stays silent for a moment.

"I promise you, I will never kneel before that mad man."

"What makes you so sure you will win?"

"Because I have something no one in outworld has."


Liu Kang turns to around to her with a determined look on his face.


Katana's eyes widen when she hears this.

"I hope we meet again. Under different circumstances, of course."

As Liu Kang leaves, Katana can not help but feel a warm hopeful feeling inside of her. She doesn't know why, but she actually believes in his words.

As the fighters are inside the main hall, waiting for the next fight. An angry Scorpion then storms in.

"Where is sub zero?! I want his head, now!" He demands.

"Easy, buddy. Let's just chill out." Johnny says.

"Very poor choice of words, movie star." Kung Lao says.

"Not helping." Sonya points out.

Liu Kang then approaches Scorpion.

"Master Hasashi, I know you are-"


"And killing Sub Zero won't change that! Neither will it bring back your people."

Scorpion looks down, calming down a bit.

"I understand you feel great pain. But I killing out of revenge isn't the way." Raiden adds.

Scorpion then looks over and sees Sub Zero walk into the room.

"You!" Scorpion yells walking straight towards Sub Zero.

"The Shirai Ryu are dead. You will suffer as they did."

Liu Kang then notices fire forming around the two.

"I do not know what you are talking about. Stop this madness." Sub Zero says.

"Lies. I know what I saw, you murdering my people."

"I had nothing to do with what happened to your clan. But if you are so hell bent on facing me, so be it."

"It's funny you mention hell."

Fire fully surrounds them, suprising everyone.

"No!" Liu Kang yells.

He then quickly jumps into the fire circle.

"Liu Kang!" Kung Lao screams.

The three of them then disappear. They then reappear in a place of fire and brimstone.

"Where are we?" Sub Zero asks.

"This is where I was reborn. This is where you will pay!" Scorpion says.

"Scorpion! Don't do this!" Liu Kang pleads.

"This does not concern you!" Scorpion tells Liu Kang.

Skelton hands grab Liu Kang by the ankles and arms, trapping him.

Scorpion sends two chain blades from his wrists at Sub zero. Sub Zero quickly makes a wall out of ice to block it. He then freeze the chains and Scorpion, but fire erupts, melting the ice. Scorpion draws his blades and teleports behind Sub zero.

He quickly makes an ice copy of himself and jumps out of the way as Scorpion crushes the copy. Sub Zero then makes two ice daggers and charges at Scorpion. Scorpion knocks one of them out of his hand but gets stabbed in the side. He punches him in the chest, freezing it. The ice quickly melts off. Scorpion then runs at Sub Zero.

Zero kicks Scorpion in the face and throws a punch. Scorpion catches the punch and breaks his arm. Sub Zero headbutts and kicks him away. He then shoots ice shards at Scorpion, piercing his hand. Scorpion takes the ice shard out of his hand then stabs him in the shoulder.

He then starts to beat on Sub Zero, drawing blood. Scorpion throws he across from where he stands, and into rocks. Scorpion then takes off his mask, revealing a flaming skull. He grabs his sword, ready to kill.

"Hasashi, don't do this." Liu Kang pleads.

"This is what he deserves!" Scorpion yells back.

"Are you sure? He seems like he doesn't even know what you are referring to."

"That's enough!" Scorpion yells.

Scorpion clutches his head in pain, confused about what he should do.

"Would your son be able to look up to you if you do this? Would your wife still love you?"

Scorpion gets angry and let's out roar, shaking all of hell to it's core.