In the forest, Dream could be seen running away from the three other SS rank hunters named raingel the beat man, Vivi the elven, and finally Elenor the demoness. As Dream look back he could see the smiling teeth of Raingel aiming a tomahawk at him as he trowing it accurately.
Dodging the coming attack Dream look at the ice sword on his inventory and look back at Raingel before stopping dashing in his direction before they clash cold breeze flow by making the air cold while Dream and Raingel smiled at watch other.
"Come on man just leave me alone," Dream said as he blocks Raingels advance. Spinning a 360-degree rotation then hitting Raingel with the ice sword. *Cling* Blocking it Raingel pushes Dream away.
Dream didn't stay put and rush to escape as the other two finally catch up with them. FIring an arrow Vivi aimed at Dreams legs. While Elenor made a hand came out of the ground cathing Dream as an arrow strikes his ankle. *Drip* Small amount of golden blood drip to the ground.
"You guys can all relax, OK? I'm not going anywhere" Dream said as they slowly came towards him. Elenor kept on increasing the grip of the hands keeping Dream lock up as Vivi and Raingel took out chains from their respective inventory.
"Just to be sure don't want you teleporting away from us," Raingel said as he walks forwards first to chain his arms. "You do know we're not putting you in prison right? Just have to come with us" Vivi said as she sighs. 'idiot' she was thinking on her mind as she looks at Dream.
"Can we take his mask off?" Ask Elenor. Looking at her they all nodded their head while Dream smiled warily. "Can you let me go if you see my face?" Ask Dream. If not gonna place an ice golem down. He can see a pumpkin a few meters away just one jump and he would reach it.
"""No""" They all said after chaining his hand and feat Vivi slowly rach his head and took away his mask revealing a handsome clear white skin a little tan sharp jawline emerald green eyes nice thick but fine blond eyebrows smooth and killer lips. raingel just nodded his head but Vivi and Elenor have a small amount of droll coming out their mouth.
"Can you give me back my mask now?" Ask Dream as the chain broke from his power along with a hand holding him taking his mask from Vivi and taking two pumpkins out of the ground creating snow blocks placing them by two by one and placing the pumpkin head on top making a snow golem. "Attack my comrades," He said as Dream laugh and left as the snow golem trowed snowballs at the three.
"He's getting away," Said Vivi as a snowball hit her head. She fired the arrow at the golems but it didn't get destroyed. "Just chase after him" Said Raingel as he got past the golems and started to chase for Dream.
With Dream as he got away from them well only for a short while he didn't notice a small insect on his pants that is tracking him to where he was heading. He claimed a three and look around he found a mountain a few miles away. Smiling he jumps from tree to tree.
"much more fun than last time" Dream said as he got some blocks to use as a stepping stone of needed later on. Looking back he saw the beast-man chasing him behind him the elven woman and the person fighting the snow man is the demon woman.
"Can you guys just leave me alone?" He said as he got hit by an arrow on his left shoulder. Taking it out he ate some food while on the run. Slowly the people chasing him were catching up to him so Dream trowed some items to them so they could slow them down.
He could run faster but he just wanted to enjoy himself no point doing things if it's boring right. reaching the bottom of the mountain Dream started to climb it while the other follows the elven woman Is on the lead as she is more agile in terrain than others.
"Just stop!" Vivi said a little irritated now. Her arrow was slowly running out of it. Firing three arrows at once at Dream but he just jumps and spins while in mid-air avoiding the arrow before landing on his feet and running once more.
Her aiming isn't bad it's just Dream is too good. Every shot she fired could land a hit at Dream if he doesn't have god's luck. "Irritating I have perfect aim and non-dodgable arrow what skill do you have?" Vivi asks Dream as she was really irritated now.
"Well better than you I can say, hahaha," Dream said as he jumps off the cliff of the mountain falling to the ground at the speed of 100 miles per hour. "See ya" Dream said as the ground slowly came to his view. When he seems to die of his fall a small amount of water could be seen as he landed in it completely unhurt.
While Dream jumps off the cliff of the mountain both Vivi and Raingel watch as he landed perfectly fine. "Is it just me or should he be at least be numb after that?" He said as he to could survive that land as the mountain is only a few hundred meters tall.
"Yea so wanna try it out?" She asks closing her eyes as he pushes raingel off the cliff. "HEYYYYYY! I WAS JOKING!!!" Raingel said as he fell towards the ground. *SIgh* "You will be fine right Elenor?" She said a woman that just appeared beside her.
"Yes ill go save him bye," She said as she giggles like a pair of black wings came from her back before he jumps off the cliff also. Vivi looks down and sighs she was about to leave before a hand caught her on her waist. "So did you have fun?" *chuckles* Dream said as he looks at her.
"How?" She asks trying to get away but the hand on his waist was tightly not letting her go. His head was a little red while a small amount of smoke was visible on her head. "Well before I fell down I trowed an ender pearl" 'good thing there an enderman a head of being before you can see I killed it drop some pearls' Dream though with a smile as he got near Vivi and kiss her cheeks before vanishing as purple smoke appeared on his who,e body.