The first day adventure

"I must have slept in a weird position again" rubbing her hand over the back of her neck.

A smile forms over her face seeing the 3 storage houses in front of her, the same as the picture she saw on the online pamphlet where there was all the schedule of the first week along with the places they are going to stay.

A large beautiful garden in front of it, a big fountain in the middle of it. Along with that, the lamps light up in the darkness. Lifting her head up towards the terrace on the left corner. Just to see a pool over the corner making a smile form over her face.

"By the way, if there is a pool it doesn't matter to me. As I freaking don't know how to swim. I mean I know a little which only would only end up drawing my sorry as$e." huffing at the end.

Turning her head around to look which only end up the horror filling her eyes looking at what's behind the gate.

The darkness of the sky with no moon along with that forest at the exit of the large door.

'Ladies and gentlemen this is how I will die dreams becoming my reality

Brain: Your dreams seem to come true...

Me: ..... Shut up!!!!

Brain: whatever


Walking down the street with her hair tied into a small ponytail, being a short hair few locks of her hair out of her band. With a fisher-man hat on her head a chain around the front panel. White long sleeve white tee and a black formal shirt whose buttons left open, with dark navy blue pants reaching just below her knees.

Holding the purple instant camera in her hand, along with that black bag on her shoulder and one waist bang around her waist.

"Walk, walk all the way long, scan your eyes around, find something, just snap the picture you all" Anjali stops in front of the flower shop taking a deep breath the sweet fragrance of it. Making a smile spread across her face opening her eyes back.

'It's not a dream, it's real, it's not a screen the distance had finally been closed' shaking her head to calm herself wherever her eyes go as if the scenario of drama is being played in front of Anjali's eyes.

Standing in front of the flower shop, looking over the different kinds of plants in front of her along with the flowers.

"Should I just maybe take a plant flower, it allowed right as I'm not taking in any pet but a plant. I don't even need to take it out for a walk. Take it gurl its once in a lifetime,"

Peeking inside the shop who was already talking to a lady inside, tugging the stand of the hair behind her ear.

Opening the door hearing the soft ring of the bell her eyes scans around with some flower bookie already ready or some in the bucket set around. The yellow light illuminates around the shop.

"Hello, how much I help you" Anjali turns towards the guy, the shop owner bows at her as Anjali does the same. Wearing light blue t-shirt sleeves rolled up above his elbow. Black pants and with the black colour apron, messy curly black hair.

"Oh, Hie actually I was looking for a flowering plant?" Anjali said, looking straight at the guy in front of her/

"Do you have any preference what kind of flower you would like to have" making Anjali tab her chin turning her head towards the flower plants all set. Along with that some hanging above the ceiling.

"No?" the answer sounded more like a question and making her raise her bow in response.

"Why not I suggest you some of the different flowers here have a lot of meaning behind them," the guy said to Anjali her head in response. Following behind the guy as he explains and shows every flower in his shop.

The conversation went on and on for a while explaining the meaning and the use they have. Making Anjali feel out of the world for having the conversation in the Korean language with someone who belongs from here.

Well, why not the K-Drama and classes paid off in one month, still there are online classes Anjali and Viddhi will be taking. They still left a lot to learn for Viddhi who is into anime only.

By the end of exiting the shop, Anjali ended up taking suseonhwa yellow colour flower pot. A smile forms over her face looking at the pot holding in between both of her hands with a pretty ribbon tied around the small pot.

Turning around the instant photo camera hanging around her neck, clicking the photo of the shop. The permission she already asked before, with that as the photo she just captured comes out.

Dropping the camera as it still hangs around her neck, taking the small picture shaking it a few times. The picture of the shop starts to form over it smiling in response opening the zip of her small side bag around her waist. Keeping the picture along with the others.

"Done" licking the bottom of her lip as her stomach growls in response. Placing her hand over her stomach the signing in response.

"I guess you are pretty hungry timmy once again... Wait, I have had nothing since morning... being so target to go out here" Anjali mumbles to herself. Walking forward removing her phone out of her side pocket holding the plant with its hanger given to hold.

"Cafe near me" unlocking her phone Anjali places her finger in the middle as one after one the cafe near her appears. Clicking one which is closest to her following the same direction as she reaches in front of the shop.

Taking a deep breath, placing her hand over the door handle entering the cafe. The place almost seems to be full because of the early morning hour near the counter. Taking a deep breath once again the sweet aroma of the coffee.

"The smell of coffee surely its heaven" wiping the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand. Walking towards the counter standing in line as it gets shorter and shorter.

Lifting her gaze up towards the menu above, nodding her head in response.

"One frappuccino and ah 2 choco chip cookies" giving her odder as the person in front of her types in.

"You want to take out or have it here Ma'am"

"Here" paying the amount scanning through the mobile transaction.

"Here it is please take your seat ma'am your odder will be ready in a few minutes' ' the girl said, giving a soft smile. Smiling in return giving Anjali the bill along with that small black thing that had the cafe logo on it.

Thanking the girl, Anjali's eyes scan around the cafe to find a seat for herself. Just to see a person getting up a seat next to the window making her way towards it as the seat got empty Anjali places a plant over the table on the corner along with the black square thing given to her.

Sitting down placing the bag on her lap, as she removes her journal from him. Along with that the two colourful tape dispensers. With that the pouch of colourful pen and sketch pen. Opening the zip of her side bag removing the photos she captured all along the back from her country till today.

"Here is your odder Ma'am" one girl stood beside her with the tray in the hand placing the order on the table.

"Thank you" bowing her head a bit Anjali gets back opening her journal turning the pages with a bunch of dried leaves and flowers along with the random photos of things, places her friends, family animals, and ect.

Stopping at the blank page the topic already written, highlighted with purple and yellow colour.

"The K-world Adventure"

Removing her headphones connecting it with her phone bluetooth playing her list of Anime OST in a mid-volume. So she could also surround herself with music.

Seeing the notification from her bestie Viddhi, just reading it from above not really clicking over it.

'Hey, where are you?' - Viddhi

'Dam you left me just leaving this stupid note while I was asleep' - Viddhi

'Top 10 betrayal of Anime then one of it is you' - Viddhi

'What ever come back soon bring something for me your soul, country food I want to try not spicy one okay oh don't forget coffee you know my taste' - Viddhi

"Yea-yea, I know light and sweet, not like me who prefer dark but today my tongue wanted something else"

a smile forms over Anjali face closing her phone keeping it back in her pocket.

"I didn't want to wake you up because of the lack of sleep you had during travelling," Anjali mumbles under her breath, signing in response. Shaking her head.

'I wouldn't have left you if only you had slept unlike me who was knocked out all the way after taking the flight from Delhi to Hong Kong then from there to destination..'

Anjali left her Viddhi the place back where they are staying luckily requesting they both end up in the same room along with more two girls accompanying them.

When they reached by the time it knocked out the girls because of their travelling from the UK Anjali had a small conversation with in the morning. Then another one who was still knocked out so where is she from still unknown.

'Still, I'm thankful I left the note or she would have carried that whole place on her head by now. Which would only end up making something else? The sticker will stick on our forehead trouble maker on the first day when the show hasn't even started.'

The fact Anjali knows the recording of this show is going to be starting after a week. For now, they are giving them time to adjust to the environment and to get along with others. There are still many participants who still aren't here.

They have already made the rules and regulations and no one will leave the place without permission. Inform them where the one is going and along with that timing to get back and when to go and not.

The passport has already taken just because we don't run away in the middle of the show. The one can only leave by the time they have some valid reason or the time when they lost or something like cheated to get out of the show.

The contract already signed with many terms and conditions bla...bla... before coming here. Now one more will be signed as we are being aired in their channel and along with their media. Even they will pay us *according to the term and conditions lamo* as we are in this competition also if we ran higher there are like things with a special reward.

There will be meetings held, when all the participants will be available, not just scattered like sheep in cattle. Anjali signs in response scratching back at her next.

'What to do? I have already reached here not to forget the fact after a week its going to start... Should I just run away? Will, I be able to do my best maybe I will do my best and woop it all'

'You can do it, Anjali just does your best, that's all you gotta do to give all your heart, brain cells and yourself into it… No distraction'

Taking a deep breath, lifting her head up as her eyes scan around making herself think she herself into the K-Drama.

Making a smile spread across her face watching the couples holding their hands below the table making her kick her on the leg in front of her only to end up hurting her knee.

"Calm down girl calm down stop drolling it's not a dream!! Its reality broo" wiping the corner of her mouth closing her eyes tight shut along with her hand into a tight fist.

"I hope I don't end up proposing to someone here or say something weird!! Hwaiting waiting (Fighting) Anjali hal su isseo!!! (you can do it)" huffing in response, opening her eyes.

Staring at the blank page of her journal in front of her pouting as she picks up her drink taking a sip from the straw. Feeling as if some new form of energy just entered inside her.

"Let's get starting with filing up the memories"

With that Anjali writes the details and sticks the picture beside it. A smile forms over her face as she writes one and each memory connected to each picture. With that, taking the sip of her coffee and taking the bite of her cookie wiping her hand off the tissue Anjali continued.

The next thing she knew someone tabs upon the table in front of her making her stop what she is doing. Lifting her gaze up to look towards the person who stood over the other side.

"Is this seat taken?"