Dramatical Gurls

"Now after whom are you chasing?" A voice asked making Steve jump out of his skin. Looking back just to sign in relief seeing his best friend.

"Just a girl who forgot to leave her photo behind" he replied.

"Quite unexpected for you to go behind a girl to give her back something" Making Steve sign a response. Making the guy look in the same direction where his friend was looking a moment ago. Taking a deep breath, a faint smell of something unknown, his greyish blue eyes stared towards the friend.

"Maybe next time if I meet her again I will give it back to her" Steve said looking at the photo which seems like meadows. Along with the people that were blurring in the background, tugging it in the back of his pocket. Steve walks towards the cafe following behind him his friend.

"He and the list of girls never going to end soon"


Removing everything from her bag with the confusion and fear on Anjali's face. Trashing and turning everything upside down on her bag.

"Where is it?' mumbles under her breath finally stopping after hours of searching every place where it possibly could be. Stretching back of her head with one hand upon her hip.

"What happened, are you searching something?" Nicole asked lying on bed scrolling through her phone, turning her head around Anjali nodded her head.

With that she sits upon the bed with her legs hanging down, jez black bob cut hair, wearing a tank top and shorts. Along with that tattoos on her right side of the arm along with that one on the top of her left side of her chest. With nose right and 4 earrings on the one side of her ear.

"It's just one of my photo is missing, I'm not getting it I remember it clearly I kept in here. But now it's not there" Anjali said this time she starts to collect the things stuffing it back inside her bag.

"Oh when was the last time you saw it?" Nicole asked Anjali to raise her bow in response, tabbing her chin.

"That's the thing I don't remember at all, that's the main thing but I don't remove any of the phones from here. Until or unless I'm sticking them in my journal as of today. I was doing the remaining of them." Anjali signs in response.

With that, the bathroom door opens and Viddhi walks in with the towel on her head. Wearing a long sleeves t-shirt and leggings. Seeing the view of the bed a total mess now when before she went for a bath another view.

Viddhi signs in response shaking her head Anjali who just stood there frozen on her spot trying hard to think where it could be.

"Did you find it?" Viddhi asked, walking towards Anjali to take the bag from her as she removed all the things which were stuffed in a mess. Only to put it back properly in the proper places.

"UGHHh!!" Anjali falls forwards on the bed face crashing against it as she began to kick her legs in mid-air.

"Don't worry you will find it, just maybe try to remember when was the last time you saw it or which places you took that bag where you kept your photos," Nicole said

"Oh, please you are asking a good person to remember things who is having a short-term memory," Viddhi said, making Nicole cough in response covering her laugh. Making Anjali press her lips into a thin line with a death look over her face.

The next second her face lights up, looking towards Nicole, her best friend, a smile forming over her face only to get wider.

"Oh, wait I think I remember when was the last time I saw it-"

"Are you regaining your memories back damn that health drinks do working Im so-" Viddhi cuts Anjali off before she could complete only to be cut off by Anjali once again.

"Shut it you bi#ch'' Anjali turns around getting up from bed in the sitting position hitting Viddhi's arm. Making Viddhi yell in response, rubbing the spot where Anjali just hit.

"It hurts in cold weather, stop it" Viddhi hisses in response. Making Anjali 'aw' in response making a face as if she was adoring a baby.

"Aww does it hurt? I was just trying to warm you up" Anjali pouts in response.

"Do you want me to warm you up? Hmm, tell me I can do it in a better way?" Viddhi asked, folding her hands on her chest, glaring at Anjali raising her bow.

"Oh, I forgot I have to go to the cafe, maybe I felt it there oh dear my memories are coming back" Anjali places her hand over her head as if she is an elegant royal queen.

"Really, I should really order health drinks. They are really very effective. My child finally her brain is working. With that, Anjali takes the bag from the bed closing the zip hitting Viddhi arms once again.

Before she could hit back within a second Anjali was across the room with her best friend chasing her around.

"Don't worry, these health drinks also give me energy too with some brain cells. But rather than that, the tea of yours, only end up making you age faster" giggling in response, removing her tongue out with her eyes closed.

"You brat come here"

"Nah my lady I have to flee it's the time it's the spell no I have to go. My carriage is waiting" Anjali said, making Viddhi freeze on the spot looking at the girl in front of her as if she was some kind of creature.

Just have to call NASA and inform them of this one newly landed on earth. Not really a danger to the human species but her brain really needs to get checked.

This time Nicole wasn't able to control her laugh anymore. Busting out laughing as the tears form over the corner of her eyes.

"Bye dear as I have regained my memories I should flee from here" taking her bag Anjali bows in response taking back only then as she gets back into the standing position only to bump her back on the door. Hissing in response hitting her back.

"Yes, dear clumsy princess comes back soon," Viddhi said pressing her lips together trying hard not to join Nicole who is still laughing.

"Yes, yes, my lady, I will be back soon," Anjali said, grinning her teeth together.

"Come back soon princess don't forget about the deadline timing to reach back to your palace,"

"Yes, Mommy!!!!" Anjali yelled opening the door, closing it behind her with a loud thud only to hear the giggles from the opposite side. Along with that as if someone was punching the bed.

'Gurls nowadays puff are so dramatic'

Flipping back her own strand of hair patting her shoulder as if she is complimenting herself.

Taking a deep breath walking through the hallway downstairs wearing her bag on her back. Removing her phone from the pocket as opening it scrolling through her apps in search of the google map.

Not paying attention in front of her only to get bumped to the guy, which ends up making her take a few steps back. Lifting her head up as her eyes meet with the dark browns one. Making a smile spread across Anjali's face.

The tall guy with his hair shaved from one side, wearing a white loose tee and track pants with his headphones was the same as Anjali who was also on his phone. Korain is from Busan along with one of the top photographers.

"I'm really sorry Korain I didn't see you there"

"It's okay, I'm sorry too I didn't see you there too," the boy said in a gentle voice only to walk past Anjali without another word.

'Waaaaa his voice is sooo~ deep and so soft damn why the heck am I so into the voices. I better suggest that he should make ASMR. It will just blow up. Okay now stop in Anjali you really have an important task to do'

The guy barely speaks and anyone just barely noticed his presence being in the room's corner. With his headphone on which on;y got discovered by Anjali as she stumbled on his feet sitting in the middle of the hallway.

With that, a new member of the competition discovered by non-other than Anjali Roy, in the house that day. When this guy was the first one to reach here. Along with that, he was there the entire time whenever there was a get-together.

Brain: The important task is let's go for a treasure hunt..

Anjali: more like a Lost photo hunt

Anjali nodded her head in agreement with a smile from over her face.

"AH okay byeee see you at dinnertime!" Anjali yelled looking back, making the guy nodded his head in response.

"Let's see I hope my baby is there where I'm expecting it to be" Anjali mumbles under her breath walking out of the door.

Standing in front of the cafe Anjali takes a deep breath crossing all of her fingers, with her toe fingers too under her snickers.

"You gotta be here you are my last hope you cafeee~ I hope they didn't throw it away thinking it's beautiful golden trash. Of mine!!"