Untold rules-1

Once again Anjali turns her head towards Ota who just walks out of the room as she gets ready without a word or anything as if she is doing it on purpose. Making Nicole and Anjali stare at each other than back that closed door.

Anjali shakes her head along with her bow asking as if what happened, Nicole just shrugs her shoulders. As if saying she doesn't know.

"Vids I'm leaving!!" Anjali said

"Wait, what, wait for me!!!" Before she could stop the girl was already out of the room as the door closed behind her.

"Ahs this girl here you go" signing in response taking the clothes walking towards the bathroom.

*Third POV*

"Is everything ready?" a voice asked,

"Yes, it is," another girly voice said with a wide smile over her face, putting the last piece of cloth on her bag, bending down the locks of hair falling in front of her face.

"So you are finally leaving,"

"Why are you saying in a way as if you wanted me to leave from here so desperately," the girl asked with the long black hair reaching up to her waist. Wearing high waist jeans, and the t-shirt upon it the full sleeves jacket the full sleeve rolled up to her elbow.

The dark brown eyes and the perfectly done eyelashes along with her eyebrows. The eyeliner along with the eyeshadow over the corner of her eyes pouting with her pink plump lips.

"Maybe?" the guy said with the dark greyish eyes with the mixture of brown, with both the side of his hair shaved. With the blank look over his face leaning against the door

Leaving it longer from the front as it falls over the left side of his eyes. With the clean shaved and strong jawline, it could cut the fingers if you touch it.

"Really maybe? Okay, I will just go now" with that Hyun-Ah closes her bag along with that while zipping the cabin luggage grinding her teeth as she looks away from the guy who stood by the door.

"Shouldn't I be happy the day has finally come the one you have been waiting for" Dong-Jun said

"You-" turning her head around staring at the guy who had the blank expression over his face only made him sign in response.

"Why don't you, whatever let's just go shall we?" with that a fake smile over her face as the confusion falls over Dong-Jun.

"Let's go" Dong-Jun repeated walking towards Hyuna before he could take the bag only to see her walking away pulling the bag along with her.

No words exchanged between them by the time they reached the car, with Dong-Jun opening the back of the trunk as Hyuna places all of her luggage back heading towards the passenger seat.

Before Dong-Jun can open the door, she opens it by herself closing it behind her with a loud thud.

For a few second Dong-Jun stops on the spot for a few seconds staring at the girl sitting in the passenger seat

Dong-Jun signs in response, looking towards Hyuna walking towards the driver's seat, opening the door and taking the seat beside.

"Why are you mad at me? Did I say something wrong?" Dong-Jun asked, which only made Hyuna sign in response looking out of the window.

With that Dong-Jun just started the car drifting off from the carriage which had many other sports cars along with it.

"Open the storage compartment," Dong-Jun said, making Hyuna look towards Dong-jun then back at the storage compartment in front of her... Taking a deep breath as she opens it just to see a little white box inside.

Rising in her bow as she bits inside of her cheek removing it, her hair falls in front of her covering half of her face, as the blush forms over her cheeks.

Opening the box just to see a platinum gold chain along with that a flower pendant inside.

"So this is the reason you made me mad at you?" Hyuna asked, turning her head around staring at him. With that they come out of the woods from the large sign put on over the side do not enter.

For a few Dong-jun just stayed silent adjusting the rare view mirror, which only made Hyuna blush more than before. Tugging her hair back of her ear looking at the mirror. On the other side, Dong-jun sees the ambulance turning his wheel over to give the space for the ambulance to pass by.

"Thank you, thanks a lot. I will wear it on a special occasion," Hyuna said with a wide smile on her face.

"Why don't you want to wear it now?" he asked as she just shook her head no.

Opening the zip of her black bag upon her lap, keeping the white box inside it.

"No, as it's rare you ever give me something," Hyuna said, making Dong-jun nod in response.


"No-no doesn't take it in a wrong way, it's just it's rare you show emotions. It is always the best friend of yours who gives you suggestions on what to do and not. Sometimes it makes me jealous that you are spending more time with him rather than your girlfriend" playing with the end of her hair.

"You know it's not that way, I have been busy with a new project which will start soon. Today I had to take a day off just for you" Dong-jun said, stopping at the red light.

"I know, I know, it's not like I asked you to be busy with me 24/7 like humans do. Spending a little it's all I asked for" Hyuna said, placing her hand over his arm.

"That's what I'm doing now isn't it?" turning his head towards her as his greyish eyes sparkled under the sun.

'Dam how can I just be mad at that face' biting inside of her cheeks as Hyuna nods her head in response.

The red light turns green once again starting the car as the engine roars driving off on the road taking the turns entering the woody area once again.

"AAA I really don't want to go" going back as she learns back to the soft seat removing her phone from her pocket. Unlocking it going through her social media scrolling through the photos and videos.

With that over the opposite side of the road as the large white bus drives off, for a split of a second staring toward it. Once again as his eyes turn back towards the road in front of him.

"I know I think I have been heari-" Dong-jun pauses for a second as his expression changes stopping in front of the large gate in front of him.

"Just take care of yourself the time you are here," he said honking in front of the gate making the guard run towards the car. With that Hyuna rolls down her window turning off the light opening her purse as she removes the id.

The Id which had her photo upon it along with her name and the name of the competition in red and blue letters.

Taking the card from her hand taking the one look giving it back as the guard raises his hand giving the sign to enter.

"Don't worry I will" With a smile over her as the car takes a turn stopping in front of the fountain.

Hyuna opens the door taking her step out of the car closing it behind her. With that walking back to remove her bags as one guard walked in making her freeze in response staring at him.

Shaking her head in response as Dong-jun walks by helping her to get her luggage. Setting everything down as they both stare at each other.

"Do you want me to walk in with you" that Dong-jun closing the trunk of the car leaning against it with his hands folded over his chest. Smirk forms over his face looking towards Hyuna making her chuckle.

"Nah I'm ready as you can't enter dear rules and we have to follow it" with a soft smile over her face making him nod his head in response. Making him nod his head in response.

"Now, it's time for you to go!!" she said

"Now you are the one who desperately wants me to go"

"Yes, I do byyyeee"

Walking towards the driving seat, rolling down the window of the other side, looking at her with a smile over his face.

"As you say," Dong-jun said making her wave her hand

"If you are free to meet, you at the weekend," she said

"Let's see about it" one guy drove off from the place leaving Hyuna behind. Making her sign in response shaking her head staring at the car disappearing off from her view.

"For real he is once again taking suggestion from him" chuckling in response as her expression changes into the blank one starting at the guts who stood beside her.

"Take me to my room and carriage this all"


"No buts just go in and show me the way" the guard nodded his head in response taking all the 4 bags of her following him in along.

"Did you wait by the time she walked in?" the voice asked over the air pod on the other side of his ear.

"No," Dong-jun said drifting off from the forest, staring ahead of him rolling up the other side of the window as he rolled his own down.

"Why? God really after giving you all the introduction you still mess it all up" the person over the other side said.

"You didn't tell me this?" from the other side of the call Dong-jun just hears the ringing of the bell again and again.

"Isn't it obvious you should wait till the girl walks in and disappearing from the view but you here just you are the one who disappeared from the view of the girl" the ringing of the bell continues.

"Before who has to disappear from who's the site you should see who's site is waiting at your door." you are making it sound in a way as if my death is waiting.

"I'm not the one who judges"

"You are soon going to do one-wait, why is she here? Oh, no there are two of them?"

"Double trouble for you now maybe it's the time you to disappear from their site not for them to do so"

"I will call you later Hyung. It seems like death is waiting by the door" this only made Dong-jun sign in response as the other person whom he was talking to hangs up.

"To wait till the girl disappears from the site then you should drive off who makes these stupid rules," mumbling to himself driving off from the street.