The glass breaking performance

"I can't forget the fact I have to meet that Steviee guy ash only if I would have woken up a bit early today"

"So let's sleep, for now, I guess as I'm hella tried I hope tomorrow turns outy should be an amazing one" Mumbling under her breath Anjali jumps on the bed.

"Oh, freak in frog hitting jack monkey" Anjali hisses in response, feeling the intense pain on her arm rolling the opposite side holding her elbow as she closes her eyes. Winning in pain making a duck face.

"Why are you in so much pain bro why just tell me why aren't you, my arm that you have to cause this kind of pain to me"

*Third POV*

The cup of coffee in front of her with focusing her phone camera into it to the picture for her social media.

Focusing on the coffee cup from its side profile, facing the window to get the background of the sun and the shops there were in the background. Clicking with that clicking more photos into different angles a smile forms over her face getting her perfect photo. 

"Ah!" Anjali hisses in response, feeling the scratching and stinging sensation on her arm. Signing in response as she rolls her eyes ignoring the pain on her arm.

"Click click and click till the perfect moment gets caught" Anjali mumbles to get herself taking the seat. Scrolling through the photos she just caught giving a light touch up to it posting it on her official photography account. 

With the caption, "A coffee cup with the afternoon view of the city of dreams now being inside of the live screen of the drama." with the emoji of a coffee cup and two faces of happy and sad drama. 

"Hey there finally we are meeting," a voice said above her, making Anjali rise her head 

"Hey!!" a voice called making her freeze for a moment

Making a smile form over her face waving her hand eats him making Steve extend he to shake. 

Making both of them freeze with the awkward smile on their faces, this time Anjali extends her hand to shake, making Steve take his hand back to wave. 

Looking at each other for few seconds only to end up laughing,

Finally, shaking their hands with each other getting back in their seats.

"You are early?" 

"So you are," Anjali said

"Well, we can finally introduce ourselves to each other once again" Steve breathes out rubbing his hands together.

"Hello, I'm Jeong, Jeong Steve" 

"Helloo Steve nice to meet you once again and I'm Anjali, Anjali Roy as you weren't able to catch up with my name last time," she said as they both shake their hand staring at each other. 

"Nice to meet you too Anjali a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," Steve said leaning back on his seat with his hands folded over his chest. 

'Oh? Well who can deny the face my mirror says the same thing to me every time' 

"Here is your picture of yours, the one you have been waiting for such a long time," Steve said with that the back that he had set down Anjali didn't notice before. 

Opening it along with that a thick Diary along with it, turning the pages as giving the instant photo to her. Making a wider smile spread across her face as he hands her the picture for what she has been searching for days and waiting to meet this guy. 

Not to forget the fact that yesterday almost crashed herself if it wasn't for the guy who saved her yesterday. The troubles she has to go through just for the picture. 

"Thank you, thank~  thank you very much, it really means a lot to me in this picture. The fact I had t-Really really thanks to you if it wasn't for you I don't think I would have got it back." 

"I can see that the numbers of the picture you had that day with your camera beside you it seems like cherries all your memories" 

"Ah-huh I do, it's not like the time something can ever rewind the moments. The moments just happen once in a lifetime in this life. So I capture the moments in future I can put inside a capsule and bury it deep inside the earth. I hope someone will find it," 

"Thats true someone can't rewind the time, But if ever you capsule it, can I have a look over all the picture's you have captured. As looking at the meadows making me seems like there are other pictures as beautiful as them too," 

"Well, I can't do that you have to search the capsule on your own if you want to have a look. As anyone does not touch this book rather than me" licking the lower of her lips looking in between her hands. 

"Ash that's sad but let me know when you do it then I will go on a hunt in search for it," Steve said 

"If we meet in the future, I will or I might give some hits somewhere a hunt for the capsule" putting her head upon her chin staring back at Steve.

"That's true thought and looking at the picture it is so beautiful where is this place. The beauty you have capture making me thinking itself how beautiful the place will be. Is it somewhere from here I have never seen a place as beautiful as this picture" he asked rising his bow in response 

"Ah this, Nah this ain't from here at all, its back my hometown in India in a small village I had visited for a trip." 

"Wait, you are from India?" 

"Haee," Anjali said with a smile over her face. 

"For real," 


"3 saal pahale main India aaya tha" 

"Wait a second aap hindee jaanate hain" For real you know hindi

"haan, main vahaan 5 saal tak raha"

"Waaaaa, aap hindee bolane mein bahut achchhe hain, your accent is so good at speaking" Anjali said, her eyes wide in response not expecting the guy who is sitting in front of her. 

"Well, what can you expect from someone who visited India spent a quarter of his life there and by the why what about you why are you here?" Steve asked, making a smile in response to a light blush forming over her cheeks. 

'No-don't you do what I'm thinking don't forget you are a super private per-' 

"Oh well, I'm here for a competition"

'NOt too much of information An' 

"Wow, are you a trannie or something" 

"Lol nope I don't want to make someone's ears bleed and break the stage-wait its so rude of me I'm really really sorry" Anjali apologizes bowing her head low.

"Ash for what you did nothing wrong" 

"No, no, it's just I didn't even ask you what would you like to have or something" 

"No, no, it's totally fine, it's just a regular one and they know it too. It will be here by-'' before Steve can complete his sentence the server comes and sets the drink on the table. 

"Is there anything you need, sir" 

"No, no, it's okay," Steve said without looking towards the girl just staring at Anjali in front of her. 

"It's there anything else you need Ma'am," the girl asked with a small smile over her lips

"No" Anjali shakes her head in response only to rise her hand in response 

"Ah yes please wait for a second" 

"Yes, Ma'am?" 

"Thank you, thank you so much for the number here you can take it back" with that Anjali opens her bag in response removing the perfectly folded piece of paper she got yesterday. 

Making the girl and Steve freeze in response, making both of them stare at the girl as if she must have grown two horns over her head. 

'Wait did I do something wrong why both of them are staring me this way' 

On the other side, the girl staring at the piece of paper Anjali is holding the piece of paper she wanted to call on. The piece of paper she wanted to keep forever written by Appa she always saw from afar. 

Taking her back into the time when she had joined the cafe and her first day at work. The world of her froze the moment he walked in the small ring of the bell making her feel as if it was her heart that ring. 

The light shining over the back of her head of Steve as he walks towards the counter over the girl. A soft smile spread across his face making the girl statue on her spot feeling a high-speed wind just brushed across her face as Steve breathed out. 

"Can I have my usual one?" he said as he blinked his eyes. The girl just stared at him as if the Angel was standing right in front of her. 

Every day just to watch him sitting on the same corner of the room totally away from all. With different books every time in his hand reading and turning the pages as he takes a sip of his coffee. 

Sometimes he comes here with one of his friends who started recently or he always used to come alone. 

Just staring from afar admiring the beauty 3 times a week, one day suddenly the guy hands her the number. 

Making a wide smile spread across her face the next thing she hears only ends up breaking her heart. 

"Hello, can you pass on this number to the girl who was here with me the moment before? If she comes back, it seems she left something really important of hers," he said. The girl can hear the breaking of the glass in the background. 

Many times she thought just to pretend to be the girl but knowing the fact of being the catfish one day or the other the truth will come out making her sign in response standing in the waiting room in her break time staring at the slip of paper in her hand. 

Keeping the paperback in her bag as she closes her cupboard with a soft bang as today will be the day she will call her crush. 

But unfortunately, after a week the girl the guy has been waiting for came back into the cafe in search of something important. 

"What should I do, should I tell her or not? I can see the dark circles under her eyes" the girl mumbles under her breath while standing over the opposite side. 

She was her own self who told the girl about the picture that she doesn't want to take over. Only to feel as a spark of happiness sparked into her hearing how thankful the girl was 

"Hey, Anjali you don't need to give back the number I gave the number to her for you" hearing the voice of Steve broke her out of her train of thoughts.

Before the girl can grab the number back the paper only to be taken away by Steve, her crush. 

'Wait did something break? I just heard breaking glass or something?' Turning her eyes away for a moment just to see nothing. 

"It was for you to contact me Anjali, I thought you would and to meet once again for your picture," Steve with a soft smirk playing over his lips. 

"Oh, but I got the picture now so you can have your number back right?" Anjali mumbles the piece of paper that was extended towards. 

Placing her own hand on Steve pushing it back, this time Steve can hear the breaking of glass in his background. 

'Wait, did I hear something breaking once again? I think my ears are imagining stuff'