Brought you by entire meal;

"Ah, I can expl-" 

"STEVE!!" a voice shrouded from the other side of the cafe, making Anjali twist her head side to look towards the door. Because of the tall figure of the pillar that made it impossible to look straight. 

'Ah? I guess a date?' 


On the other side making Steve freeze on the spot hearing the voice gulping in response as his eyes goes wide in response. 

"Oh, no!" mumbling under his breath bitting inside of his cheeks, the girl stomps her feet towards him. Over the background hearing the breaking of glass once more shattering into pieces.

Making Anjali turn her head around in search of any sign of finding none. 

'I guess it's a glass of ghost must have shattered and died in cafe poor one its soul must be restless. Don't worry I will pray for you glass' 

"How could you do that to me me" the girl stood on the side of Steve taking a deep breath Steve turns his head towards the girl with a beautiful smile over his face and soft eyes. 

"My love you are here I didn't expect you to be, didn't I say to wait we have a date in the evening right" Making Anjali stare at him rising her bow in response the guy's expression changed faster than the light. 

"Really stop lying to me you boy after this girl you were going to meet me then another girl right" 

'Can I order a tea? Lots of tea are being spilled here, oh dam even though I don't like tea I want to have one now' 

The expressions change into sad and betray once making Anjali blink a few times, as Steve shakes his head no in response. 

"What are you talking about baby dont you trust me?" 

"No, not anymore" the girl folded her hand over her chest staring at Steve head to toe as if she is judging him. Hearing the words of the girl making Anjali cough in response to cover up her laugh. 

The girl just turns her head towards Anjali glaring at her, making her cover her mouth shifting at the end. Before the girl could open her mouth to say something just to be cut off by another voice. 

"So there he was" hearing another voice of the girl standing beside the girl with long black hair with grey strands that's been tied into a high ponytail. 

"Wait what are you doing here?" Steve asked, staring at the girl who just walking into the drama adding fire. Anjali can see the smile changed into a shocked expression. 

"What am I doing here ask that you yourself boy" the girl stood with her hands on her hips wearing all black making her look like, 'mess with me I will mess your life, and that's going to happen with Steve' 

'No not tea, I need popcorn and a drink with it, yes with butter on it damn what a twisted then a spring' 

"Wait, I can explain that to you all-" 

"Explain to me too my dear cutie" a girl sitting over the opposite side of the table whom Anjali didn't notice before. Holding the newspaper in front of her face as if the world in front of Anjali turns into slow motion. 

Over the background, she can imagine the dramatic thunder sound being played three times. Turning her face towards each one of the girls inside the cafe one after the other. Looking at their expression then finally at the face of Steve who has the expression 'Oh my OW!'

Watching with aww the lady puts down the newspaper upon the table, wearing a suit with red plump lips and glasses over her eyes. 

"I want to hear the reasons of yours to mean the three of us do," the lady said glaring at Steve. 

'Wait, a second I would like you to cancel, cancel my order JUST CANCEL MY ODER I Don't NEED A POPCORN!! I need an entire sum meal; for this drama' Starting in front of her with her eyes along with her mouth wide open one hand covering her mouth. 

"I mean now it's four" the girl who first walked in said, 

"Four?" the girl in black dress asked rising her bow looking around until her eyes fall upon Anjali who still had the more shocked expression on her face than Steve. 

"Hey you," a voice said making Anjali turn her head towards the lady sitting on the chair. Still staring at nothing in front of her hand covering her mouth.

'Three in one dude here I'm not even getting one I'm still dating-wait I can't judge him when here I'm drowning over the reality along with the one can't be counted in fingers 2d once's' 

"Yaa!" snapping her finger in front of the face of Anjali breaking her out of the train of thoughts. 

"Are you involve with Steve too?" the girl dress in all black asked making Anjali to turn her face towards her. 

"Huh?" a confusion falls over her

"Like were you in-" 

"She is not let her leave," Steve said looking towards Anjali then back at the girl stood in front of him. Making the girl to look up and down at him rising her bow chuckling at the end. 

"Are you just saying this or she didn-"

"Then you should leave and never get involve with this cheater dont ever contact him too," the lady said sitting upon the chair cutting off the girl before she could complete her sentence. 

"I'm not a cheater for your kind information, and Anjali you should leave just text me when you reach home" Steve argued back

"Dont do that now leave," the lady said looking towards Steve ignoring the words what he said

'Cheater? I thought he was a kidnapper, well a cheater is worst than a kidnapper. No kidnapper is worst no wait cheate-BOTH ARE WORST' 

"Leave, now," the lady said in a bitter voice making Anjali rise her bow in response hearing such a cold response. 

"LEaving no need to dam rude it's not like you own me or something"

"What did you say?" the girl dressed in all black hisses taking a step forwards 

"I said th-" 

Before Aurora could complete her sentence, the other girl who walked in first just steps in between them. 

"I apologize to them, you know the situation we have he cheated by the same guy at the same time. I'm sorry for the rudeness"

"Ah no no it's okay you dont have to apologize for them I understand I will get going," Anjali said giving the side-eye to the lady and the all-black dress cat women. Giving the smile over the girl as she walks out without a word. 

"Oh, my bag, sorry" Anjali paused looking at the girl dress in all black as a smile forms on her face. "My bag I forgot about you a black cat was on my way" taking her bag putting it on her one shoulder. 

Leaving the mouth of the girl dressed in all black wide open glaring at Anjali. Steve just watches Anjali with a confused look over his face. In the end, a smile makes its way over his face.

"What are you smiling about now we need to talk" the women sitting upon the chair said as the smile disappears from his face. 

Opening the door Anjali walks of the breathing out in response placing her hand over her chest. Looking back through the glass at the guy only to sign in response. 

"3 at the same time what the-worst crime dude breaking three hearts. What if someone does to him too? That time he will come to know what's a heartbreak" once again signing in response looking down at the piece of paper in her palm. 

"Well, here we go I don't need a friend or Oppa who goes around breaking hearts" opening the cup of empty coffee and throwing the paper inside turns black taking in the cafe.

Closing it in response before she could turn around just to feel a hand being warped on her arm. Almost making her scream, feeling the pain over the place it had hurt her yesterday. 

"What- that DOCONAA LEAVe IT HURTS" almost screaming making the guy leave the arm as if he just touched something warm. 

"You, ma-no no" without looking towards the guy Anjali shakes her head in response, grinding her teeth together feeling the anger being built inside her. 

"What's your name?" the voice asked, 

'The audacity he must ask my name rather than apologizing' 

"YOU-" Anjali freezes in response, turning her head to look towards the voice as if the world around her has just stopped along with the voices and sounds. 

With that, the icy wind blows in between them brought you by the products shown in front of the screen. Scanning over the face of Anjali along with that hand that was warped over the arm of Anjali.

The face of Steve zooms in inside the cafe and one by one over the server girl cleaning the counter. Three girls are faced with different expressions on their faces. 

The final zoom in over the photo of the meadows. 

Over the next episode

"I asked your name" 


"Fish care? Tell me seriously, what's your name?" The guy asked Anjali to raise her bow in response, taking a step forward cracking her knuckles. 

"Why-why do you want to know my name?" Anjali asked 

"I just want to know," the guy said, the grey eyes glaring back at the brown ounces. 

"Still why give me the reason" Anjali paused taking a step forwards making the guy take a step back

"Give me the reason are you a cop or a reporter, a crime investigator or do you have a crush on me so you can stalk me over social media" 

"Why would I have a crush on you when you are my-"