Dont disqualify me

Anjali gasp opening her mouth with her mouth wide open coughing at the end. FOr a moment Dong-jun just pauses blinking his eyes a few times as his eyes slowly return into the shade of brownish-grey ounces. 

"Just-breathe-slowly" placing his hand over her cheeks the crawls slowly transforms back into the fingers along with the hair disappearing. Leaving the pain skin behind, gently caressing her cheeks. 

Anjali slowly opens her eyes just to see a blurry image of a person, its voice echoing around the pit-pat of the rain sounding far away in distance. 

"Breath in~and out~slowly" following the command of the voice, her eyes feeling heavier than before losing her consciousness going back into the darkness. 

The brown wolf started at Dong-jun picking up the girl into his arm holding her closer to its naked body. Getting up on his feet looking down at the girl into his arms.

The thunder strikes across the sky as its yellow eyes just stare at them with a blank look over his face.

"Dont worry I will take care of the things here" Steve said bowing in response Dong-jun just wears his pants as the lady wraps the cloth around the body of Anjali. 

Dong-jun then carefully takes Anjali from the arms of the lady into his own. A small smile spreads across his own lips making the others around him eyes to go wide in response. 

"Take the one who's injured to the hospital, and the one who's caught throw in the dungeon," Dong-jun said with the other hand pulling the cloth to cover her face from the rain. 

"Yes, Alpha and I have informed the head too," Steve said as Dong-jun nods his head. 

Holding Anjali in his arms he takes off to get out of the woods as the other just watched him running away with the human girl in his arm. 

*Third POV*

Running fast as he could in between the woods with the girl in his arm, the legs which have turned into the half paw. Making him run faster than before jumping up from the ground above the small lake stream in between. 

The shorts below his waist just reach above his knees, the rain falling down harder than before. The hair covering the side of his face over the right side of his shoulder is two long red patches. 

"Just keep on breathing, we are near" Dong-jun mumbles under his breath increasing his speed than before. 

Looking down for a moment the half of her face hidden under the thin layer of blanket. Covering it from the hair falling from above, watching as her chest slowly rises and falls back down. 

The moment flashes in front of his eyes right when he hears her painful voice. Making him grin his teeth together holding Anjali closer to himself, making him feel a strange feeling inside his chest. 

A soft whimpering escapes from her lips as her waist being pressed against his. 

"Shuu a little longer we are going to reach the hospital soon" Dong-jun mumbles. Hearing her soft, painful voice only made his heart drop the wolf inside him only end up making him feel worst. 

'If only I didn't stop that time, if only I have shown the place where he belong to she wouldn't have been this hurt' 

"Frea-AH!" hearing a familiar voice hisses the moment before the black wolf could dig his teeth into the brown one. Making him stop on his spot turning his head right from where the voice came from. 

Just to see her lying on the ground small groans and hisses escaping through her lips. Pulling herself up from the ground as she turns to face him for a moment just to see her eyes going wide in response. 

The fear looked into her eyes making him stop on his track growling in response fogg coming out from his nose.

'She is scared us' he thought

The next moment just to see the fear from her eyes disappear now with the gentle look over her face. Once again his paw moves he can feel a sudden wave of calmness taking over. 

'No, she is not' 

Just a few feet away the black wolf stops, lowering his head as a wave of wind hits both of them. The short hair of her gently moves along with the wind, taking a deep breath as the scent of her. Making him close his eyes, reaching out for her touch. 

"WAHA THAAA FUUUUAAAAAKKKKKK!!" the scream of her's snaps him out of the thought reaching out by the end of the woods. With one hand reaching out for the keys inside his pocket, clicking on it to hear a beep. 

Walking over the backside of the car making she lie down on the seat revolving the cloth from her face. The small water droplets let upon her face as it slips down over the side of her face. 

Placing her hand over her chin blinking his eyes a few times as the drop of water falls from his eyelashes upon his cheek. Once again as if it has stopped the time in between them. 

"If only you weren't a human" the thunder strikes across the sky snapping him out of the thought putting the cloth upon her shivering body closing the door behind him with a loud thud. 

Getting inside the car driving as fast as he can out of the private road, coming into the main. Not caring about the red light at the moment, stepping on the accelerator driving far, turning and twisting on the road.


Anjali slowly opens her eyes, blinking a few times adjusting the light that slaps right into her eyes making her close it back again. 

'Too much of light' 

Once again opening her eyes just to see the light that was dim then before. Blankly staring at the white ceiling above her just to sing in response. 

'Just five more minutes' with that Anjali closes her eyes

Dong-jun just stared at the girl who just opened her eyes, closing it back just to hear soft snoring escaping through her nose. 

'Did she really go back to sleep?' signing in response going back to the fashion book he was reading. 

'Why do I even care I just have to reject the moment she wakes up then she will be away from my life' grinning his teeth in response crumpling the magazine he was holding in his hand. 

'Why am I feeling pain on my chest it's not like I have known her for such a long time'

With that just to hear the door open once again as the doctor in white dress walks in. Holding the file in his hand along with him follows a nurse behind him Dong-jun turns his head towards them. 

"How is she doing?" Dong-jun asked the doctor who stood right in front of him. 

"Greeting Alpha, and she is doing well. Just the teeth on her neck just gazed a bit and just a bruise over the side of her stomach. If she wakes up today then she can be discharged by tomorrow" the doctor said, taking a pause. 

"Is there something else?" Dong-jun asked, turning his gaze towards the doctor as the nurse who was checking on Anjali. 

  "The wound on her arm is a bit worse than before now, it would be good If she doesn't use her arm for a week or so." the doctor said 

"A week?" Dong-jun asked as his eyes looked towards Anjali for a split of a second then back at the doctor in front of him. 

"It woudnt have turned worst but it seems someone must have griped her arm tight which had opened her wounds" 

"What- that DOCONAA LEAVe IT HURTS" Just to hear her scream the scream of her in front of the cafe when he had caught her arm. 

'So that time she really was hurt' 

"Wait a second who are you? And what are you doing?" the familiar voice reaches his ear, turning his gaze towards the bed just to see Anjali sitting up on the bed. A sudden wave of dizziness hits her making her drowsy as if she is drunk or something. 

The light stinging sensation over the back of her neck and other on her waist. 

"Thee jeck" holding her head with one hand body moving back and forth. 

Waking up again just to see the nurse who stood in front of her pulling some liquid in the string. Ended up making her eyes to go wide in response sitting up straight as if some unknown engery has entered inside her body. 

"Ma'am you should lye back to bed you-" 

"WHat ewhy wo-ah" closing her one eye placing her hand over her waist as the memories of last night flashes in front of her eyes. 

"Oh freak werewolfs" 

"WHat ma'am" 

"It was so real" , mumbling under her breath, gasping at the end, blinking her eyes a few times. 

"Ma'am please listen to me, you should rest, your body is still weak" the nurse said, placing her hand over Anjali's shoulder which only made her filch snapping her hand away. 

"Dont touch me" no because of fear the fact some times when she's caught off guard. Anjali hates any kind of touch by the unknown. 

"You are finally away," a voice said, making Anjali turn her head towards the source of the voice. 

Which end up making her jaw dropped on the floor in front of her stood non-other than the CEO of the photography in front of her. The one she did not only wack her bag but also kick on the bell. 

The heart monitor of her goes crazy feeling as if her chest is going to rip out of her heart. 

Brain: its heart out of her chest

Anjali; Shut it brain it-its him why is he here did he kidnap me is he going to sell all my organs for what I did or turn me into some kind of experiment. 

'Why why is he here dam, what will happen to me? He will make me disappear without a trace no one will know!' 

"Then-then I come into the list of the unsolved mystery" Anjali mumbles under her breath hands that were getting cold than before. 

"Ma'am I need you to calm down please!!" the nurse said as the doctor made his way towards her. 

Staring right at the grey eyes making she gulp in response as she clutches her hands into a tight fist. 

"I-I'm sorry" Anjali just stared at Dong-jun for a moment shaking her head no over the other side the doctor nods his head looking towards the nurse. 

A confused expression falls over his face for what reason she really is sorry. 

"You are not hurt right? that I-Im sor-sorry I didn't mean it that way, I didn't know it was you okay I would have never done that at allanditsjusttookaweridturna- ahh~" Anjali hisses in response looking down at her arm just to see the nurse already giving her the injection she held a moment ago. 

"I'm sorry" the tears fall from her eyes one after another a loud cry escapes from her lips/ 

"I'm rea-really sorry, please don't disqualify me please: sobbing softly crawling forwards towards Dong-jun. 

"I-It was so hard to get her I don't want to go back without trying" Anjali sniffs as her eyes slowly close.,

The heart that was beating fast a moment ago slowly went back at its normal speed. Her body moving back-and-forth eyes slowly close, the moment she could fall back behind Dong-jun catches her in the mid-air. 

"Dont disqualify, don't remove me I didn't mean to mean to hit to your ding-dong" her head falls limp in his arms heart monitor which was gone back being into its normal speed. 

Dong-jun just stared more glared at the girl in his arm.