The birdy cant fly

*Third POV*

'She is so beautiful as if she came right from heaven' his wolf though already taken over Dong-jun the time he saw her being taken away. 

Anjali lifts her hand to the pieces of glass that were missing. Only to be found over the cheek of the guy. 

He now stood on his feet stumbling on his feet, the blood still dripping down his cheek. Glaring at both of them a low growl escapes from his eyes turning fully black. 

"Your eyes are so pretty" her hand placed over his cheek making him lean against her touch as he closes his eyes. 

Making a smile spread across his face a weird feeling arises upon his chest making him feel as if his heart is beating like crazy. 

'She said our eyes are pretty, our eyes are pretty' 

'What the hell how can you-give it back you moron' 

'It's my turn to make our mate the happy and make this nasty Rogue their worst nightmare they ever had'