Give me yours soft and squeezy

*Third POV*

"WAAAAtttt THEEE FUCKK!!!!!!!!!!" Anjali screams as loud as she can not even noticing the door opened behind her. 

Almost dropping the plate Dong-jun is holding in his hand closing his eyes shut as his ears ring. 

"What that fuck" mumbling under his breath covering his one ear

"Fuffeee fuueeee feeee dreakyyy freaky" the girl kept on mumbling the different words he had heard for the first time. 

Dong-jun knocks on the open door just to receive no response at all Anjali who was turning and twisting around holding her hand closer to her chest. 

"The heck hannd what happened to you when aaa it hurts faaaakuunaaaa ullaaaaapooo raaaaakkuu!!" continuing unheard spells of curses blowing air over her wound.

Once again Dong-jun knocks on the door louder than before, still holding the tray of glass and pill aside.