Stop being Childish

*Third POV*

Getting out of the car Anjali closes the door behind her taking the deep breath looking at the white house in front of her. Followed by another thud behind her as Hyunah walks out of the door too. 

Turning around Anjali gulps in response regreating what she had done before at the dinner table. 

"Thank you and sorr-" 

"Jun are you free at evening lets meet up I really have something important to discuss with you" cutting Anjali before she could complete her stence as Dong-jun just stared a head of him nodding his head. 

A smirk forms over her face making Anjali to roll her eyes in response looking away turning around to walk away from them. 

"Couples does she really thinks I will steal that ding-dong he isnt even my type" Anjali mumbles rolling her eyes once again. 

'Lies he is totally my type the mysterious and a bit of tusundere and not to forget ugh like k-drama'