The kid in park

*Third POV*

"Nona~" the kid said in a little voice, 

"Are you a kid too?" 

"Ah?" Anjali looks towards the kid with the confusion expression over her face 

"Why did you said that?" Anjali asked

"Because you said every kid should know this" making Anjali sign in response

"Do I look like a kid to you" Anjali points at herself the kid just nods his head in response? 

'I didnt not expect that what should I say' Anjali signs in response to hearing this 

"Okay?" Anjali said with an awkward smile spreads across her face scratching the back of her neck. For a moment none of them spoke to each other.

"Are you, ah running away from home?" Anjali asked, looking in front of her, looking towards the kid who just nods his head in response, pulling his knees closer than before.