The Second Letter

*Third POV*

'Dear Luna,

How are you? I hope you have been doing well. Then how is your wound of your palm. Please take care yourself more. You always keep on hurting yourself it really scares me the thought of you getting hurt. I'm sorry I didnt wanted to be creepy as I sound in this letter but I'm really worried about you Dear. 

  You didn't come that day to the woods, the place where there is a pond surrounded by trees. I was waiting for you all night in hope that you would come there. But you still didn't come.  I know it's hard to trust a piece of paper written by some stranger who still did not reveal his own identity. It won't be a secret forever, don't worry about that I will reveal myself soon. 

By 'his' you must have already assumed that I'm a guy for now that's all you have to know. There are many things I want to say and show you. That I can't tell you in the piece of paper.