Run just run

*Third POV*

'Now, what are they going to kill me did someone really paid them to kill me or something?' Anjali though this time she can feel her heart beating against her chest. 

'No-no it can't be I have to do something even if I didn't fight before I have to do it now no matter what at what. Oh, first I have to get my hands in front of me. I have to get away from here as fast as I could' 

Opening her blindfolds making she blink her eyes a few times looking around her just to see as if they are really in the middle of the forest. Lifting her eyes up to stare towards the moon just to see it's fully into a round shape. 

"Hyung she didn't even try anything we still have time or it will go on forever," the softer voice said 

Despite being with them for such a long time Anjali still doesn't know any of their names. They barely talked to each other in such a brief sample of time.