Whippers in Dream~

*Third POV*

"Where am I?" Confusion falls over her getting in the sitting position as her eyes scan around the area.

"How did I reach here? Wasn't I somewhere else" gulping down as her eyes scan around, just to sit in the middle of the large flower field. Looking down just to see the flower of yellow colour.

Running her finger upon it just to feel nothing, bending her head down to sniff the flowers. No fragrance over them Anjali was expecting there too.

Confusion falls over her rubbing the tip of her nose with her index finger. Lifting her head up looking far away by the end of the flower field to see the trees far away in the distance.

Large enormous trees by the end of the flower field along with that large grass in front of it as the field of flowers end.

"It's so beautiful" Anjali mumbles under her breath looking at the breathtaking view in front of her.