Anything for you

*Third POV*

"Why does he always go to her?" another thing crashes against the wall breaking it into the pieces.

"Why her name is always on his lips?" 

"Why does he trusts her more than me?" 

"Why did he go to her rather than me?" 

"Why can I see the love in his eyes for her? WHYY!!" Hyunah screams tearing off the curtains of the window. 

"Ugghh!!! Why why why? Just why he always ends up going back to her that girl!!" Hyunah picks up the vase throwing it across the room. As it crashes against the wall breaking it into the pieces.

Making the boy who was standing in the corner of the room flitch the same age as her. He can see the pain in her eyes hidden by the anger. No matter what he knows the fact his words are going to be useless for the broken girl in front of her.