The past run

*Third POV*

"I didn't know the child I gave birth to in my womb would betray its own mother Takeshi" making the kid turn his gaze towards his mother who had anger over his face. 

"It was not me mother it was you who disowned me" the kid hissed grinning its teeth together. 

But the mother just looked at its eyes which held the other emotion which was not shown on his face. 

"You are not my kid I didn't give birth to a devil-like you" the mother hissed making Takeshi clutch his hands into a tight fist. 

"Bring her out in the open field next to my father no- the Ex-Alpha," the boy said, making the eyes of the women go wide in response. Making the tears fall down from her eyes one after the other shaking her head no. 

"Wh-What are you saying?" the woman asked with the fear in her voice