The Past run 4

*Third POV*

"How did you meet Omma and came to know you both are mates?" he asked turning his head back to look towards the sky.

"Why are you asking this suddenly? " his father asked Dong-jun to shrugged his shoulder. 

"I don't know, maybe it's because of a dream I had a few days ago" Dong-jun heard any kind of reply from his father. Maybe he who will counter the view that 'Dreams are just dreams forget about it' or maybe 'Maybe it was something you were thinking a lot before sleeping' 

"Well, you can say the first time I met your mother was right across the street, her scent like from miles away. As I clearly remember the day, I felt so excited and so happy as if I'm top of the moon but so calm I ever felt in my life" Don-jun's father said, closing his eyes making the smile over his face spread wider than before.